Better controls, higher margins
höhere Kontrollen,Leading the Resource Re-volution
– so lautet das
Motto der norwegischen
Bessere Unternehmensgruppe Tomra
Systems, die sich auf innova-tive
Sortierlösungen speziali-siert
hat. Die Division Tomra
Food mit Europahauptsitz
im belgischen Leuven ent-wickelt
und fertigt optische
Sortier- und Analysegeräte
für die Lebensmittelindus-trie,
die ihren Anwendern
einen Vorteil im Wettbewerb
bieten. Denn je genauer ein
help optimise purchasing and production
Hersteller die Qualität seiner
and ultimately achieve higher margins -
gelieferten Rohstoffe kennt,
with our analytical instruments we can
desto effizienter, nachhalti-ger
help. Lars Povlsen, Sales Manager at Tomra Food,
und gewinnbringender kann er pro-
duzieren, meint Lars Povlsen, Sales
Manager bei Tomra Food (Bild o.). Im
Gespräch mit Fleischerei Technik erklärt
er, welche Möglichkeiten derartige An-lagen
der Fleischbranche eröffnen.
Tomra hat im Fleischsegment mit den
Analysegeräten FatScan und Q-Vision
für Aufsehen gesorgt. Können Sie kurz
beschreiben, was sich dahinter verbirgt?
In der Sparte der Prozessanalyse-Lösun-gen
haben wir der Fleischbranche unter
anderem die effiziente und genaue Klas-sifizierung
ihrer Rohstoffe eröffnet. Die
von uns entwickelte Technologie macht
es möglich, eine In-Line-Analyse von fri-schem
oder gefrorenen Schweine-, Rind-
Leading the resource revolution - this
is the motto of the Norwegian Tom-ra
Systems Group, which special-ises
in innovative sorting solutions. The
Tomra Food division, headquartered in
Leuven, Belgium, develops and manufac-tures
optical sorting and analysis equip-ment
for the food industry that offers its
users a competitive advantage. The bet-ter
a manufacturer knows the quality of
the raw materials they supply, the more
efficient, sustainable and profitable they
can produce, says Lars Povlsen, Sales
Manager at Tomra Food (pic left). In this
interview with Meat Technology, he talks
about the possibilities these systems open
up for the meat industry.
Tomra Food has caused a sensation in
the meat segment with its FatScan and
Q-Vision analysers. Can you briefly
describe what is behind it?
In the area of process analysis solutions,
we have opened up efficient and highly
accurate classification of raw materials
for the meat industry. The technology we
have developed makes it possible to car-ry
out in-line analysis of fresh or frozen
pork, beef or poultry. Depending on the
solution used, the fat content and, if de-sired,
also the collagen, protein and water
content of meat can be determined. The
FatScan takes over the in-line fat analy-sis
and is mainly aimed at medium-sized
applications. The Q-Vision analyser is de-signed
for larger production volumes and
analyses the fat, collagen, protein and
water content.
What does the user get out of it?
Our customers in the food industry are
faced with the question of how they can
continue to offer first-class products when
their manufacturing costs are constantly
rising, but they are struggling to get rea-sonable
prices for them. Our answer is
that this is possible with resource optimi-zation
along the entire process chain. Bet-ter
controls on meat as a raw material can
Wie optische Sortier- und Analysegeräte die
Produktion unterstützen können, erklärt Lars Povlsen,
Sales Manager bei Tomra Food.
explains how optical sorting
and analysis equipment
can support production.
62 2/2019
Foto: Tomra Food