Nie wieder Eis schaufeln
Die AS-Silobaureihe von Maja erleichtert das Eis-Handling bei der Wurstproduktion.
Betriebe, die täglich meh-rere
Tonnen Scherbeneis
für die Wurstprodukti-on
benötigen, können beim
Never shovel ice again
The AS-Silo series from Maja facilitates ice cream
handling in sausage production.
Eis-Handling ganz schön ins
Schwitzen kommen. So lässt Companies that require
several tons of flake
ice a day for sausage
production can sweat a lot
when handling ice cream.
With conventional solutions
for bunkering large amounts
of ice, manual shovelling
is virtually unavoidable. The
whole process becomes even
more complex when the egg
batches have to be weighed
for exact dosage. These tasks
can be solved much more
conveniently with suitable
silo systems. This is why var-ious
cooked sausage manu-
facturers rely on Maja silo
technology when handling
flake ice.
The automatic ice silos of
the AS series bunker approx.
800 to 5,000 kg of Maja flake
ice. The silos and the screw
conveyors are completely
made of stainless steel. The
double-walled, PU-insulated
construction stores the ice
with low energy loss.
Up to 3.5 tons per hour
A fully automated ice dis-charge
system conveys the
batches out at the push of a
button via special discharge
screws, up to 3.5 tons per
hour. The iron removal can
be individually adapted to
the operating requirements.
A floor scale controls the dis-charge,
the operator places
the cutter loading trolley on
the scale, enters the required
amount of ice and starts the
discharge. Once the prese-
lected target weight has
been reached, the process
stops automatically. The cart
sich bei herkömmlichen Lö-sungen
zum Bunkern großer
Eismengen manuelles Schau-feln
kaum vermeiden. Noch
aufwändiger wird das Gan-ze,
wenn die Eischargen zur
Foto: Maja-Maschinenfabrik
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