Fotos: Messe Frankfurt/Jochen Günther
Top-Thema Nachhaltigkeit
Das Thema Nachhaltigkeit ist in der
Fleischindustrie ein Katalysator für
Veränderungen und Innovationen.
Politische Vorgaben und ernährungsbe-wusste
Verbraucher bringen Erzeuger
und Hersteller zum Handeln. Zusätzlichen
Druck erzeugt die weltweite Diskussion
um Klima- und Ressourcenschutz. Die
fleischverarbeitende Industrie reagiert
darauf mit technologischen Innovationen,
aber auch mit grundsätzlichen unterneh-merischen
Bekenntnissen zu nachhaltigen
Lösungen. Ein Trend, der auch auf der
IFFA zu beobachten sein wird.
Nicht erst seit der „Fridays for Future“-
Bewegung hinterfragen immer mehr
Verbraucher ihr Ernährungsverhalten.
Neben Umweltaspekten haben sie ins-besondere
das Tierwohl im Blick. Einer
Eurobarometer-Umfrage vom April 2021
zufolge kaufen und essen etwa ein Drittel
der Europäer weniger Fleisch, 16 Prozent
berücksichtigen beim Einkauf den CO2-
Fußabdruck ihrer Lebensmittel und passen
ihre Einkäufe entsprechend an.
Fleischersatzprodukte auf Basis pflanzli-cher
Proteine sowie vegane und vegeta-rische
Alternativen erleben einen regel-rechten
Boom und spiegeln den Trend zu
nachhaltigen und tierfreundlichen Lebens-mitteln.
Mehr Klimaschutz
Diese Entwicklung greift auch die IFFA
– Technology for Meat and Alternative
Proteins, auf. Neben ihrem traditionel-len
Schwerpunkt Fleisch öffnet sich die
internationale Leitmesse ab 2022 den al-ternativen
Proteinquellen und präsentiert
erstmals Prozesstechnik und Zutaten für
Top topic sustainability
Technical innovations, entrepreneurial
solutions - many exhibitors at IFFA are shifting
the focus to the topic of sustainability.
Technische Innovationen, unternehmerische
Lösungen – viele Aussteller bei der IFFA rücken
den Fokus auf das Thema Nachhaltigkeit.
The topic of sustainability is a cata-lyst
for change and innovation in
the meat industry. Political require-ments
and nutrition-conscious consumers
are driving producers and manufacturers
to act. Additional pressure is being gene-
rated by the global debate on climate
protection and resource conservation.
The meat processing industry is respon-
ding with technological innovations, but
also with fundamental corporate commit-ments
to sustainable solutions. It‘s a trend
that will also be on display at IFFA.
It is not only since the “Fridays for
Future“ movement that more and more
consumers are questioning their dietary
behavior. In addition to environmental
aspects, they are particularly concerned
about animal welfare. According to a
Eurobarometer survey conducted in April
2021, around one-third of Europeans buy
and eat less meat, and 16 percent take the
carbon footprint of their food into account
when shopping and adjust their purcha-
ses accordingly.
Meat substitutes based on plant proteins
as well as vegan and vegetarian alterna-tives
are experiencing a real boom and
reflect the trend toward sustainable and
animal-friendly foods.
IFFA - Technology for Meat and Alter-native
Proteins is also picking up on this
development. In addition to its traditional
focus on meat, the leading international
trade show will open up to alternative
protein sources from 2022 and present
process technology and ingredients for
plant-based proteins for the first time.
More climate protection
The discussion about more sustainable
food production is also being promoted
by political requirements. In its „Green
Deal,“ which calls for a reduction in
greenhouse gas emissions of at least 55
percent by 2030 compared to 1990 levels,
the European Union is also holding food
producers accountable. In its strategy
paper „From farm to table“ (from May
2020), the Commission calls for, among
other things, greater energy efficiency,
less packaging and the use of innovative
and sustainable types of packaging using
reusable materials.
In view of these societal changes and
political framework conditions, numerous
meat-processing companies have inte-grated
guiding principles for sustainable
production into their corporate mission
statements. Although around 90 percent
of meat producers‘ emissions come from
the supply chain or from the animals
themselves, meat processors also see it as
their duty to optimize their processes with
regard to energy and resource mana-
gement. Of course, they also have their
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