Foto: CSB-System
leicht gemacht
CSB-System auf der IFFA 2022:
Optimierungsmöglichkeiten durch ERP in
herausfordernden Zeiten für die Fleischbranche.
Der ERP-Branchenspezialist CSB-System zeigt eine Vielfalt
von Ansatzpunkten, um die Abläufe in Fleischunternehmen
zu digitalisieren und zu optimieren. Eine Notwendigkeit, die
angesichts der wachsenden Herausforderungen an Bedeutung
Mit der Meat Management Matrix visualisiert CSB die Mög-lichkeiten
für den Einstieg in ein auf die Fleischbranche zuge-schnittenes
ERP-System. So gelingt es, den spezifischen Bedarf
eines Unternehmens in Übereinstimmung mit den vielschichtigen
Möglichkeiten einer Komplettlösung zu bringen.
Fleischproduzierende Unternehmen haben es nicht leicht: sie müs-sen
sich in einem immer globaleren Wettbewerb behaupten, in dem
komplexere Lieferketten einhergehen mit höheren Ansprüchen des
Lebensmitteleinzelhandels an Lieferfähigkeit und Qualität. Dabei
drücken steigende Kosten beim Materialeinsatz und Rohstoff-preise
weiter auf die Marge. Die Betriebe der Branche müssen neue
Meat management made easy
CSB-System at IFFA 2022: Optimization
opportunities through ERP in challenging
times for the meat industry.
The ERP industry specialist CSB-System shows the varie-ty
of starting points to digitalize and optimize processes
in meat companies. A necessity that is gaining in impor-tance
in view of the growing challenges.
With the Meat Management Matrix, CSB visualizes the
possibilities for getting started with an ERP system tailored
to the meat industry. In this way, it is possible to bring the
specific needs of a company in line with the multi-layered
possibilities of a complete solution.
Meat-producing companies do not have it easy: they have to
hold their own in an increasingly global competitive environ-ment
in which more complex supply chains go hand in hand
with higher demands from food retailers in terms of delivery
capability and quality. At the same time, rising material input
costs and raw material prices continue to squeeze margins.
Companies in the industry have to open up new sales chan-nels,
while at the same time meeting strict legal requirements
and driving forward their digitalization. However, those in
the meat industry who are concerned with optimizing sys-tems
not only have different demands, but also very different
starting situations.
Entry points into the smart meat factory
It‘s all about data: Legal regulations and the consumers
demand traceability all the way back to the producer –
a development that poses major challenges for many com-panies.
Transparency and precise decision-making rely on
data and its rapid analyzability. Functions such as intelligent
production planning, reporting with regard to given KPIs,
information from Finance & Controlling or the optimization
of warehouse management are therefore at the forefront for
many companies.
New equipment with the possibility of M2M communica-tion
and OEE determination or even web shop integration is
the prerequisite for an integrated information and material
flow. When all data from slaughter to the end customer are in
harmony, a company can become more resilient and compe-
titive, as well as trigger further growth.
The supply chain is the crux of the matter: rising costs
within the supply chain, but also the volatile export market,
make it necessary to be able to react quickly, to plan and fore-cast
more precisely, to use resources more efficiently and to
have a stringently organized supply chain. The product range
must be adaptable to consumer demands for regionality or
organic goods, for example, and the depth of added value
in the areas of ready meals, convenience and snacking is
28 2/2022