of the upper film is only 35 μ, that of the lower
film 70 μ. This keeps waste and disposal costs in
check and is also more environmentally friendly.
The robust dough is packaged under vacuum to
ensure form stability. The prebaked crust, in con-trast,
is harder and can break. It is thus packaged
under modified atmosphere. One advantage of
this form of packaging is that it extends the
shelf life without the addition of preservatives
or stabilizers. “To further increase the minimum
shelf life, we are also thinking about pasteuri-zation
and sterilization,” Matthias Kramer says.
“This would allow us to keep more in stock, so
that we can deal better with peaks in orders.”
Besuchen Sie uns auf der Anuga FoodTec • Halle 6.1, Stand A50/B59
A PowerPak thermoformer is
now in operation for Lizza at
their Frankfurt facility, while two
others are working at the plant
of an Austrian partner.
Ready-made on the way
Around 90% of the lizzas are
currently still being packaged
raw, but demand for the baked
variety is on the rise. The harder
consistency of this product
means that the packaging pro-cess
must meet more complex
requirements. A primary concern
is impermeability of the individual
packs to maintain production
volume even under changing
parameters. “Production volume
could be increased by about 20% by making
simple technical modifications to the thermo-forming
process for the prebaked crust,” Tobias
Richter reports. www.gea.com
Ralf Mengel,
Product Sales Manager GEA Germany
at the Biedenkopf office
Lizza is low-carb pizza: gluten-free, vegan, orga-
nic and low in calories. The two founders of the
company, Marc Schlegel (30) and Matthias Kramer
(32), are convinced that healthy can be both easy
and, above all, delicious. They met in 2012 during
an internship at the Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt.
Their original plan was to develop a dating app,
but when they served a low-carb pizza they had
created themselves during a brainstorming ses-sion
with friends, the pizza was praised with such
enthusiasm that it completely upstaged the dat-ing
app. And so the lizza was born. After starting
off in a food truck in April 2015, Lizza now has
over 40 employees, manufactures 15,000 portions
of dough a day and has secured a listing in more
than 6,000 supermarkets in Germany and Austria.
Foto: Lizza