Deformierte Karotten wandern nicht
mehr automatish in den Abfall, sondern
finden Verwendung, z. B. als Vieh-futter.
/ Deformed carrots are
no longer disposed as
waste, but are used
instead e. g.
as animal
Clarenbachstraße 7
D-42499 Hückeswagen
Telefon: +49 (0)2192/ 936 39-0
E-Mail: magurit@magurit.de
Schälmaschinen, können den Energieverbrauch
durch Recycling und Wiederverwendung re-duzieren.
Zum Beispiel verbraucht der Tomra
Eco Dampfschäler 28 % weniger Dampf als
vergleichbare Maschinen, indem er einfach
nur heiße Luft wiederverwendet. Das senkt die
Emissionen, steigert die Effizienz und senkt die
Energiekosten für das Unternehmen.
• Reduzierung des Wasserverbrauchs:
Einige Technologielösungen verbessern die
Effizienz der gesamten Prozesslinie. Wie in den
obigen Beispielen können Maschinen nun auch
Salate vor dem Waschen von Defekten befrei-en.
Das bedeutet nicht nur, dass das Waschen
effizienter ist, sondern auch, dass das Wasser
länger sauber bleibt und seltener ausgetauscht
werden muss. Dadurch wird der Wasserver-brauch
deutlich reduziert.
Continued from page 41
into an outlook on how energy management
will develop over the next ten years.
He was convinced that more and more compa-nies
are installing photovoltaic systems, wind
turbines, solar thermal energy or combined heat
and power plants. In this way, they can cover
their own requirements and market surplus
electricity or heat. This turns companies from
traditional consumers into “prosumers”. Accord-ing
to Hannes Theile,”Trends such as disruptive
technologies and a changed customer image
will change the business models of the energy
Boundless Cloud
As examples of these changes, he cited the
almost unlimited computing power available
in cloud services. It leads to the cost-efficient
use of complex Big Data algorithms, improved
forecasts and ultimately to more efficient power
consumption. Alexander Sauer, head of the
Institute for Energy Efficiency in Production
EEP at the University of Stuttgart, sees a similar
situation. His vision of the future is described by
the “ultra-efficiency factory through digitisation
and biologisation”, in which resource consump-tion
is also taken into account in all production
Even today, energy is gaining more and more
influence on production processes. Companies
should therefore strive for decentralized, ener-gy-
flexible production control, says Alexander
Sauer. For this purpose, the production
orders with start and end dates should be
defined for each process step and data
on the energy supply situation should
be collected. On the basis of this
information, it will be possible to
determine the energy flexibility for
each process.
Reduce to the max
„Technology is crucial to enhanced
sustainability“, says Bjorn Thumas.
The Director Business Develop-ment
Food at Tomra Sorting Food
enumerates three criteria, that
will be significant for effective and
sustainable food production in the
• Reducing food loss & waste:
In-line sensor-based sorting ma-chines
MAG U R I T d e r S p e z i a l i s t f ü r G e f r i e r s c h n e i d e r u n d Fr i s c h s c h n e i d e r
GALAN 960 - die neue Dimension
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Halle 6.1, Stand A091
GALAN 960 185X60_Layout 1 17.01.18 12:31 Seite 1
are very effective at optimising
product yield, ensuring quality and maximis-ing
profits. These technologies and platforms
are inspiring companies to think outside
of the box. Whereas in the past waste was
waste, now processors have multiple waste
streams depending on the quality of product.
A misshapen carrot can be diced or juiced, a
lower-grade one will be used for cattle feed,
and only truly defective ones will be rejected.
• Reducing energy consumption and
emissions: Some machines such as peelers can
reduce energy use through recycling and
reusing. For example, Tomra’s Eco steam
peeler uses 28% less steam than similar
machines simply by reusing hot air. This
reduces emissions, increases efficiency
and brings down energy bills for the
• Reducing water usage: Some tech-nology
solutions improve the efficiency
of the whole processing line. Just as in
the examples above, machines can now
remove defects from salads and lettuce
before washing them. This not only
means that washing is more efficient, but
also that water stays cleaner longer and
needs replacing less frequently. As such,
water consumption and waste water
treatment is reduced significantly.
1 / 2018 43
Foto: Colourbox.de