rungsgesellschaft Audits für das international
anerkannte Prüfzeichen für vegetarische und
vegane Lebensmitteln durch.
Hersteller profitieren dabei künftig von Kombi-
Audits, bei denen verschiedene Standards bei
nur einem Vor-Ort-Termin abgeprüft werden
können. Mit nur einem Auftrag können sie
ihre Produkte nach den Kriterien der European
Vegetarian Union prüfen lassen – parallel auch
in Kombination mit anderen Standards wie zum
Beispiel IFS.
Das V-Label weist Lebensmittel aus, die vege-tarisch
oder vegan erzeugt wurden. Bei der
Kennzeichnung handelt es sich um eine seit
1996 geschützte Marke, die von der European
Vegetarian Union (EVU) getragen wird und in-ternational
anerkannt ist. Hierzulande wird das
Label nach eingehender Prüfung von ProVeg
e. V. vergeben. Christian Blümel
Continued from page 31
Things are happening in the country of pre-fabricated
foods. Start-ups are springing
up in every corner of the earth, with noth-ing
else in mind but to reinvent human nutrition
with meat alternatives. That meat-like products
based on plants entail considerable production
costs - a gift if only the CO2 footprint is correct.
Or is it not? More and more self-proclaimed
and genuine food researchers are getting to
the bottom of the recipes for new convenience
meat alternatives, meticulously examining vegan
burgers and vegetarian sausages and want to
educate consumers to become critical skeptics.
Not the worst idea in view of recurring food
scandals such as the current Wilke listeria or
bakery-infested DMK milk on supermarket
The TÜV Süd, for example, provides informa-tion
in the aforementioned sense. „The food
industry, which has always been very innovative
in Germany, will gradually include plant-based
meat substitutes in its range as demand rises,“
says Dr. Andreas Daxenberger of TÜV Süd.
„A complete trend reversal is not to be expected
however due to the still small number consist-ently
vegan or vegetarian buying consumers.
The currently favoured concept for meat substi-tutes
is the use of vegetable proteins to produce
meat-like foods, especially soya, peas, lentils,
lupins or wheat protein (seitan). Using pressure,
temperature and structuring ingredients such
as modified starch, locust bean gum and xan-than
gum, a protein mass is transformed into
meat-like textures that imitate the bite and taste
of meat. Depending on product requirements,
additives such as stabilizers or acidity regulators
are also used. A look at the list of ingredients
will help the interested consumer here.
„For meat substitute products from vegetable
proteins no own permission procedure is nec-essary
Burger, Schnitzel, Cordon-Bleu, Chicken-Wings, Cevapcici, Nuggets or Pizza - the list of hearty finger
food and ready meals is long and growing as the demand for convenience products continues to grow.
The modular line concept consisting of coordinated individual systems enables an individualised pro-duction
as new food, so Daxenberger, however
misleading and deceptions of the consumers
must be excluded. Since the guiding principles
for vegetarian and vegan foods have been in
force in Germany, the source of protein must
be clearly visible on the food packaging. Special
designations of origin or protected geographical
indications may not be used to replace meat.
Beans, peas, sunflowers
The growing demand for vegan meat alter-natives
has prompted Hydrosol to expand its
broad range of vegan, plant-based products,
including HydroTop VeganPatty PP. This stabi-lisation
system is free of soy, wheat and other
allergens. It is based on field bean and pea pro-tein.
Together with the sunflower-based texture,
it allows customers to produce vegan burger
patties. With only one E-number, the system
corresponds to the trend towards declara-tion-
friendly products. The company also offers
systems based on wheat and soy protein for
burger patties. The company‘s all-in compounds
are also suitable for many other vegan end
products - from meatball alternatives and Köfte
to meatballs and vegan cevapcici.
Another approach for vegan burger patties is
pursued by Masande GmbH from the Allgäu.
Their SunWOWer® Burger offers sunflower
chopping as a basic ingredient of the Patty.
By the special processing of the protein-strong
kernels of the sunflower the hack contains
approximately 55 % protein - an ideal, genetic
engineering-free replacement for animal pro-tein.
„Life is pleasure, but not at the expense of
our health and environment. Eating consciously
does not mean doing without premium prod-ucts“,
Masande-Andrew Fordyce advertises his
process and thus a high product variety.
A classic convenience line for up to 5.5 tonnes of chicken nuggets per hour can begin with mincing
and subsequent mixing and standardisation of the moulding compound. In the alco mixer, the mass
is gently but efficiently mixed under hygienic conditions with other recipe components such as spices
or technological substances to form a homogeneous mass.
In the next process step, the products are formed in the alco AFM forming machine or various attach-ments
that are fed by a filler. The moulded products can then be coated with various media such as fine
flours, wet spanades and breadcrumbs. The downstream frying process gives the products breading and
an attractive appearance. The products can be cooked in the oven after the deep fryer.
The last process step is the cooling or freezing of the products. Here, too, a wide range of options
is available, from plug-in compact freezers to linear coolers and special freezers with special dimensions.
The Skewer System 7200 is a high performance skewer system for a maximum range of grill ske-
wer products. It produces up to 7200 ready-to-sale skewers per hour. „The new System 7200 fulfils an
output guarantee of at least 95 percent, as does the
successful System 4080, but the output of the 7200
is up to 40 percent higher per hour,“ says Miveg Mana-
ging Director Lars Kracker. A compressor-driven charg-ing
box with sixfold propulsion ensures maximum
performance and additional resources at peak times.
Six wooden skewers are simultaneously accelerated
into the Miveg cassettes with maximum precision and
speed by a compressor thrust. The food in the cas-sette
is fixed in the middle of the wooden skewer. The
result is ready-made grill skewers as if made by hand.
A digital interface for robot automation also offers an
intelligent and weight-optimised packaging process.
The Korimat promises products with a long shelf life that are flawless in terms of food technology. The
autoclave is used for convenience production as well as for preserving meat, vegetables, soups and
ready meals or for the production of pet food in all possible variations. During the sterilisation process,
the electronic controller records the core temperature and cooking time and determines the F-value
so that a complete sterilisation protocol is guaranteed which can be transferred to a PC for long-term
The Korimat is produced in three sizes: 120, 240 and 380 litre boiler capacity. As standard, all
models in stainless steel are equipped with safety quick lock, all-round insulation and electronic control.
On request it is available with fully automatic control for pressure regulation, cooling, temperature
and back pressure.
34 5 / 2019
Foto: Miveg