Foto: Colourbox.de
Bell Flavors & Fragrances
Aromen für den Megatrend
Bell Flavors & Fragrances präsentiert eine Range an natürlichen
Aromen, natürlichen Hanfaromen mit anderen natürlichen Aromen
und Extrakten, um Inspirationen für authentische, intensive und
geschmackvolle Sortimentserweiterungen im Rahmen des Hanf-
Megatrends zu liefern. Die Produktrange an natürlichen Aromen zielt
darauf ab, das charakteristisch krautige und blumige Geschmacks-profil
von Hanf widerzuspiegeln. Darüber hinaus bieten Hanfextrakte
deklaratorische Vorteile zur Auslobung. Die Geschmackskreationen
schaffen einzigartige Profile, die insbesondere jüngere Verbraucher-gruppen
ansprechen, aber dennoch die Gesundheits- und Wellness-
Anforderungen als auch die Superfood-Assoziationen für Hanf
erfüllen. Die Hanfextrakte und natürlichen Aromen verleihen einer
Vielzahl von süßen und herzhaften Anwendungen wie Getränken,
Backwaren, Süßwaren, Saucen wie Ketchup und Mayonnaise, aroma-tisierte
Öle und Fleischmarinaden ein einzigartiges Profil.
Bell Flavors & Fragrances
Flavours for the megatrend
Bell Flavors & Fragrances presents a range of natural flavours, natural
hemp flavours with other natural flavours and extracts to provide
inspiration for authentic, intense and tasteful additions to the range
in line with the hemp megatrend. The natural product portfolio of
flavours and extracts also meets the requirements for clean labelling
and thus meets the requirements for products with “better for you“
attributes as well as premium articles. The new, authentic flavour
creations create unique profiles that appeal particularly to younger
consumer groups but still meet the health and wellness requirements
as well as the superfood associations for hemp. Bell’s hemp extracts
and natural flavours give a unique profile to a variety of beverages,
bakery products, confectionery, sauces such as ketchup and mayon-naise,
flavoured oils and meat marinades. www.bell-europe.com
or spice extracts and thus increase
the acceptance with the consumer.
They ensure food safety, which
is an important prerequisite for
food quality. On the other hand,
they are often controversially or
negatively evaluated. Why? Is it an
objective assessment or a drift of
those who do not understand the
context and the consequences?
Many foods are said to have been
produced without preservatives.
Does this mean that they do not
contain any harmful ingredients
or, on the contrary, are susceptible
to microbial activity? The state-ment
"without conservatives" is
demagoguery, which some Internet
consultants or sensationalist mass
media pursue and thus totally con-fuse
consumers. And, of course,
some manufacturers will use or
abuse it.
So are preservatives a pollutant
or are they unnatural? Some are
naturally present in meat, since
lactic acid (E 270) is formed in the
muscle due to post-mortem glycog-enolysis.
So why use preservatives?
Sometimes it is unnecessary,
elsewhere it is about achieving or
strengthening food safety. In par-ticular,
products with a long shelf
life are a kind of "airbag" in the
event of an accidental error, e.g. an
accidental break in the cold chain.
Paradoxically, this mistake is more
likely to be made by the consumer.
Excessive use of preservatives is not
Lactates, the salts of lactic acid,
are a natural preservative. As men-tioned,
lactic acid is produced in
post-mortem glycolysis and ensures
the shelf life of the meat. Lactates
inhibit the growth of microorgan-isms
by lowering the aw value
and by their specific action. As an
additive, lactates are produced by
the fermentation of sugar.
They can be used for the decon-tamination
of surfaces, but due to
their acid character they are only of
limited use as an additive to meat
products. Of the lactic acid salts
(sodium lactate, E 325 or potas-sium
lactate, E 326), potassium
lactate is currently preferred for
reducing sodium uptake.
Natural preservatives appear to be
an alternative to chemically defined
preservatives obtained by extrac-tion
from plants. Our tests showed
that extracts from rosemary, tea,
hops, sage, oregano, blueberries or
various spices have an antimicrobial
or antioxidant effect.
Many meat products cannot do
without antioxidants, colourings,
flavour enhancers or preserva-tives.
The functions and necessity
of these additive groups were
discussed. The trend is towards
natural additives, whose use as
listed substances with an E number
is often wrongly criticised.
Prof. Petr Pipek and
Dr. Heinz Schleusener