in the fixing bath using a separating device.
The product ends can either be cut straight or
additionally shaped during the cutting process
to create rounded ends.
Depending on the viscosity of the filling mate-rial,
further processing can be carried out lying
or hanging. The ConProLink system patented
by Handtmann is used for the production of
turned products. The coextruded sausage strand
is turned into individual portions during alginate
cross-linking. The sausage chain produced in this
way can then be cut at defined turning points
and enables a wide range of product variants.
Multi-lane precision
Handtmann moulding systems enable the
production of moulded, sheathless products
- whether meat or meat substitutes, vegetarian
or vegan products. Multi-lane production takes
place on further belts, in water/oil bath systems
or laminating lines. The filling material is fed
from the vacuum filler to the filling flow divider.
A filling flow divider with servo drive ensures
a constant product flow without pressure
fluctuations and thus extremely accurate final
weights. It ejects the product into multi-lane
filling streams via format parts.
Kunden, die beispielsweise fleischfreie Alter-nativen
oder fleischhaltige Produkte in neuer,
gefragter Darreichungsform suchen, Unter-stützung
an. Mit unserer eigenen, flächende-ckenden
Vertriebs- und Servicestruktur in ganz
Deutschland und unseren flexiblen Systemlö-sungen
sind wir für unsere Kunden leistungsfä-higer
Partner, um dieses wachsende Marktseg-ment
erfolgreich zu bedienen.“
Christian Blümel
Continued from page 28
of scope for design for trend products with
meat or for meat substitutes. It offers the
production of meat-containing or meat-free,
sausage-shaped products with an edible, vegan
casing made of alginate and is used for the
production of sliced sausages. Handtmann
documented at IFFA how fine small this can be
with raw sausage canapés in an alginate casing,
produced with 8 mm calibre.
After alginate cross-linking, the coextruded
sausage strand is cut into individual portions
The visualization of the product shape and the
calculation of the process parameters is very
easy via the control of the vacuum filler.
A mould change is carried out quickly by ex-changing
a few format parts. A wide variety
of product shapes are possible; examples in-clude
twisters, meat on a stick, Vleisch burgers
and balls, sticks or bars.
High hopes
Gerd Kunkel, Sales Manager Germany at
Handtmann, underlines just how high the hopes
of the German machine builders are in terms of
trend products: „Numerous studies show that
eating has become a status symbol in Germany
and an expression of one‘s own lifestyle. Diver-sity,
quality and sustainability play a major role
here. Here we offer support to our customers
who are looking for meat-free alternatives or
meat-containing products in new, sought-after
dosage forms, for example. With our own
nationwide sales and service structure through-out
Germany and our flexible system solutions,
we are an efficient partner for our customers
in successfully serving this growing market
Christian Blümel
Handtmann sieht
bei bei den kleinen
Portionen ein großes
Umsatz- und Wachs-tumspotenzial
bietet seinen Kunden
für Snacks, Häppchen
und Würstchen
im Mini-Format. /
Handtmann sees great
sales and growth
potential in small
portions and offers its
customers tailor-made
production solutions
for snacks, canapés
and sausages
in mini format.
30 5 / 2019
Fotos: Handtmann Maschinenfabrik