products currently manufactured
at Amidori in Stegaurach are all
heated and fed into the freezer.
Linde has designed the Cryoline®
CW cryogenic multi-purpose freezer
especially for such applications. Af-ter
several corresponding test runs
in the ATZ, two Cryoline® CW cry-ogenic
freezers, each with a tunnel
length of 11 metres, are now being
used at Amodori in Stegaurach. In
addition, three Cryoline® CF Twin
cabinet freezers supplement the
two multi-purpose tunnel freezers
for pre-cooling individual products.
And Wulff Fleisch- und Wurstwaren
Vertriebs GmbH in Telgte, West-phalia,
also has its sights set on the
future, even though it is about 125
years older than Amidori: “We are
currently repositioning ourselves
completely - from a large butcher’s
shop to a specialized supplier for
demanding industrial customers,“ is
how Managing Director Uwe Kilian
describes this process. IQF products
are also at the centre of a complete-ly
new product strategy. This means
in concrete terms: on the one hand
menu components such as sliced
sausage, on the other hand loose
rolling granulates such as indi-vidually
frozen bacon cubes or a
meat-vegetable mixture of cooked
minced meat, corn and beans.
Three models tested
Together with Linde, Uwe Kilian
set out to find a suitable freezer
solution. Two product-specific
test series took place at Linde’s
Application Technology Centre
(ATZ) in Hamburg. “The beauty of
such a fully equipped pilot plant is
that everything can be tried out,“
Uwe Kilian looks back on the test
phase. “In general, I am in favour
of on-site tests in such a case, but
of course this is no longer possible
above a certain machine size. And
in the ATZ, you definitely get a very
good first impression of whether
a process works.“ Linde and Wulff
tested a total of three freezer
models from the modular Cryoline®
product line in direct comparison.
The decision was clearly made in fa-vour
of the Cryoline® CW cryogenic
multi-purpose freezer.
Not only customers such as Amidori
or Wulff Fleischwaren are convinced
of the efficiency of the ATZ, but
also key account manager Günter
Spieker: “There is the right solution
for every task”, the food technology
expert knows, “and which is the
best in each case can be found out
very well in the ATZ”. The basis for
this is provided not least by Linde’s
broad portfolio of food gases and
corresponding application tech-nology:
Biogon® is a range of pure
gases and gas mixtures specially
developed for the food and bever-age
industry. They are reproducible
and guarantee consistent quality at
all times. These include, on the one
hand, the special purity required by
food legislation. Biogon® gases ex-ceed
these minimum requirements.
On the other hand, they meet
the special requirements for the
traceability of food additives, for
example by continuously recording
and documenting all production
and delivery steps.
Last but not least, a further
advantage of the ATZ is that new
technologies can also be tested
under practical conditions before
they are actually used in everyday
production. This is because the
current portfolio is constantly being
further developed.
Marco Vörös, Prospero Presse-
und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Munich
Contact for reader requests:
Silvia Henke, Head of Food Market
Linde Gas Deutschland
Tel. +49 (89) 7446 2028
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