Verpackt, kontrolliert, verschickt
Im Reinraum wird das fertige Produkt über eine
Verpackungslinie in Tiefzieh-Schalen verpackt
und von einem Metalldetektor kontrolliert. Die
Päckchen werden mit einem Kartonetikett ver-sehen,
auf Paletten verpackt und an Großkun-den
in Skandinavien und der Schweiz geschickt
oder für die Produktion vegetarischer Gerichte
an eine Airline geliefert. Seit einigen Monaten
verkauft Amidori seine Fleischalternativen in ei-nigen
Regionen auch bei Rewe und Edeka und
will dort ab 2020 deutschlandweit vertreten
sein. „Auch wenn Geschmack, Textur, Mundge-fühl
und Biss denen von Fleisch zum Verwech-seln
ähnlich sind, ist das nicht unser Antrieb.
Das ist unsere Haltung zu guten Lebensmitteln,
zu Mensch, Tier und Erde“, sagt Friedrich Büse.
www.amidori.com, www.winweb.de
Isabel Melahn
Continued from page 16
Created, booked, provided
In Stegaurach, all goods receipts are recorded
in winweb-food and production orders are
created on the basis of stored recipes, which
are booked in the goods preparation and made
available for further processing. At the begin-ning
and end of each process, the goods are
weighed and labels are printed to accurately
identify the contents of each crate.
In production, the raw material is scanned
and posted to the production lines, at the end
of which various variants are created: small-cut,
minced meat-like alternatives, marinated
products or meatless burgers in all vari-
ants. “We process our products the way our
customers want us to, so we have to be very
flexible and guarantee traceability,“ explains
Christian Wicht, Head of Production, Engi-neering
& IT. In winweb-food, detailed quality
assurance tests are therefore defined, which
must be documented and processed within
the process chain and ensure the high quality
Packaged, inspected, shipped
In the clean room, the finished product is pa-cked
in thermoformed trays on a packaging line
and checked by a metal detector. The packages
are provided with a cardboard label, packed on
pallets and sent to major customers in Scandi-navia
and Switzerland or delivered to an airline
for the production of vegetarian dishes. Ami-dori
has also been selling its meat alternatives
to Rewe and Edeka in some regions for some
months now and intends to be represented
throughout Germany from 2020. “Even if taste,
texture, mouthfeel and bite are similar to those
of meat, this is not our motivation. That is our
attitude to good food, to people, animals and
the earth,“ says Friedrich Büse.
Isabel Melahn
Friedrich Büse
Gründer von /
Founder of Amidori
„Amidori has similar guidelines as a meat
company. It was therefore not so difficult
for us to adapt to the special requirements.“
Willi von Berg, Managing Director, Winweb
Fotos: Winweb, Amidori
18 5 / 2019