Foto: Uthmann/Winweb
Schweinerückenspeck ist das A und
O bei der Heinrich Uthmann GmbH
& Co. KG in Dissen: Seit knapp
30 Jahren bearbeitet der EU-weit zuge-lassene
Zerlegebetrieb Schweinerücken-speck
für die Rohwurst- und Schmalz-
Produktion. Doch bis März 2017 lag
man in Dissen am Teutoburger Wald
IT-technisch hinter den sprichwörtlichen
sieben Bergen. Alle lieferbezogenen
Daten wurden manuell erfasst und in
Exceltabellen zur weiteren Auswertung
übertragen. „Ein mühevolles Unterfan-gen,
was letztlich nur von zwei Mitarbei-terinnen
beherrscht wurde“, erinnert sich
Inhaber Jürgen Uthmann.
Everything is rind
Pork back bacon is the be-all and
end-all at Heinrich Uthmann
GmbH & Co. KG in Dissen: For
almost 30 years, the EU-wide approved
cutting plant has been processing pork
loin for raw sausage and lard produc-tion.
But until March 2017, IT techno-
logy in Dissen am Teutoburger Wald was
literally behind the seven mountains. All
delivery-related data was entered man-ually
and transferred to Excel tables for
further evaluation. „A laborious under-taking,
which was ultimately only mas-tered
by two employees,“ recalls owner
Jürgen Uthmann.
Only the sad loss of a long-standing
colleague made a rethink necessary. In
a very short time, the entrepreneur com-pletely
converted his business to the ERP
system winweb-food - and did not regret
it: „We were already well organised
before, but now the business has won
again. What we wanted to achieve was
achieved by the system: we are more
transparent and traceability has become
even better“. The 15 employees have
also accepted the new system well: „It is
now much easier. Everyone who enters
or weighs data on the touch screen gets
on well with it,“ says Jürgen Uthmann.
In the bacon niche
The family business serves a niche:
around 20 tonnes of back fat with rind
are delivered every day. From 4 a.m.,
two employees weigh the incoming
bacon and enter the delivery-related
slaughter and cutting data, the results of
the incoming inspection and the empties
Alles Schwarte
Nachdem IT bei Uthmann bis vor kurzem kaum eine Rolle spielte,
übernimmt das ERP-System von Winweb mittlerweile den
kompletten Datenfluss von der Anlieferung bis zum Warenausgang.
Since IT hardly played a role
at Uthmann until recently,
the ERP system from Winweb
now takes over the complete
data flow from delivery
to goods issue.
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