Fotos: K+G Wetter, Darimex Techno
gericht gleichermaßen beliebt
bei Groß und Klein. Das macht
den Markt in dem Land mit
gut 20 Mio. Einwohnern natür-lich
spannend für die fleisch-verarbeitende
Industrie und
das Metzgerhandwerk: Durch
die Produktion lau-fen
pro Jahr rund
1.000.000 t rotes
Fleisch, 625.000 t
sowie 365.000 t
Meat is an integral part
of the Romanian cui-sine:
there stews are a
hearty pleasure and the grilled
minced meat skewer, Mici, is a
delicious national dish equal-ly
popular with young and
old. This naturally makes the
market in the country, which
has a population of around
20 million people, exciting
for the butcher‘s trade and
the meat-processing industry:
Each year, ca. 1,000,000 t of
red meat, 625,000 t of poultry
meat and 365,000 t of sausages
are produced. As a renowned
manufacturer of high-quali-ty
meat processing machines,
the Hessian company K+G
Wetter also recognised at an
early stage the potential of-fered
by the country on the
Balkan Peninsula, resulting in
it being one of Darimex Tech-no‘
s most important partners
right from the start.
Fleisch ist aus der rumäni-schen
Küche nicht wegzu-denken:
Eintöpfe werden
damit zum deftigen Genuss
und der gegrillte
Mici ist als köst-liches
Grown together
For 25 years K+G Wetter and Darimex Techno
have been combining a German-Romanian
success story.
Progress in view
Founded in 1993 in Bucha-rest,
today Darimex Techno
is a leader in the Romanian
market when it comes to the
distribution of machinery,
plants, equipment or entire
production lines for the food
industry. It‘s not for nothing
that more than 200 custo-
mers buy from here, including
the country‘s largest sausage
producers. Darimex Techno
provides advice to all of them
and also ensures fast deli-
very, as well as the expert in-stallation
and commissioning
of the selected solutions. The
experts also reliably take care
of service and maintenance
on site.
“The bowl cutters, grinders
and mixers from K+G Wetter
were among the first machines
we launched with 25 years
ago. That‘s why the relation-ship
with K+G is a very special
Die Partnerschaft
von K+G Wetter
und Darimex
Techno ist
seit 25 Jahren
eine deutsch-rumänische
Gemeinsam gewachsen
Clevere Details wie der geteilte
Deckel am Vakuum-Kutter VCM 120
zeichnen die Lösungen von K+G Wetter
aus und machen die Arbeit deutlich einfacher. /
Clever details such as the split lid on the VCM 120 vacuum bowl cutter
sets K+G Wetter solutions apart and makes work much easier.
14 3/2018