Foto: Vemag Maschinenbau
struktur, damit die wertvollen
Fleischstücke erhalten bleiben
– nur so kann ein hochwertiger
Kochschinken entstehen. Hohl-stellen,
die den Geleeabsatz be-günstigen,
müssen vermieden
werden, um den optimalen Zu-sammenhalt
des Endprodukts
zu gewährleisten.
Diese Voraussetzungen erfüllt
die Vakuumfüllmaschine XP1
von Vemag, die speziell für
die Schinkenproduktion kon-struiert
wurde. Hier spielt das
Herzstück der Füllmaschine
eine entscheidende Rolle: die
verschleißfreie Vemag-Förder-kurve,
die das Füllgut scho-nend
vom Ein- zum Auslauf der
Maschine transportiert.
Platz für ganze
Die Größe der Förderkurve
setzt bei der Schinkenproduk-tion
neue Maßstäbe, denn eine
einzelne Kammer bietet genü-gend
Platz für ganze Muskel-stücke,
die damit produktscho-nend
gefördert werden. Der
slow speed, the machine con-veys
the valuable product ab-solutely
gently and yet with an
extremely high output rate.
Thanks to the Vemag Duo
Drive with two separate drives
for the conveying curve and
the infeed, the infeed can
be individually and optimally
adapted to the product. The
machine builders from Verden
thus ensure intensive forced
feeding of the filling material
into the conveying element.
Wear-free technology
The conveying cam of the
XP1 is mounted on bearings,
thus not touching the convey-ing
cam housing and is wear-free.
Only the seals need to
be replaced after a certain
period of operation. This re-placement
can be done by the
user himself at the machine, no
VEemag support is necessary
here. The machine remains in
place and does not have to be
Ham production
dismantled. The conveyor also
does not have to be replaced
and lasts for the life of the
machine. This generates high
machine availability and low
service costs.
With the „Intelligent Handling
and Assembling System“, the
company also offers a solu-tion
on which all parts that can
be removed and need to be
cleaned, such as the conveyor
cam and conveyor cam hou-sing,
find their place. There,
they can be conveniently de-posited,
cleaned and stored
until reassembly. Here, Vemag
scores with the flexibility of its
machine design: If, for exam-ple,
the machine is to be ope-
rated with a different type of
meat or with a different attach-ment
for a change in produc-tion,
this solution enables fast,
hygienic (intermediate) clea-ning
and rapid assembly of the
parts. The proven box-in-box
system protects the sensitive
Automatisierungstechnik Intralogistik/Lagertechnik Rohrbahnfördertechnik
Behälter-/Kartonfördertechnik Zerlegetechnik Sonderlösungen
Helmers Maschinenbau GmbH
Fürstenauer Weg 70
49090 Osnabrück
Tel: 0541-139020
3/2021 43