Tausend Kilogramm
Chicken pro Stunde
realisierte in Südostasien eine
Mega-Produktionslinie für
Die Konsumenten werden sich immer
mehr der Bedeutung gesunder und
natürlicher Inhaltsstoffe in alltägli-chen
Lebensmitteln bewusst. So erscheint
es nicht überraschend, dass sich diese
Entwicklungen seit Jahren in globalen
Trends wie alternativen Proteinquellen
1,000 kilograms of chicken per hour
Alco-food-machines implemented a mega production line
for convenience chicken products in Southeast Asia.
Consumers are becoming increas-ingly
aware of the importance of
healthy and natural ingredients
in everyday foods. So it comes as no
surprise that these developments have
been reflected for years in global trends
such as alternative protein sources or
reduced-fat meat products. Since 1977,
alco from Bad Iburg has been develop-ing
high-quality machines, complete
process lines and customized solutions
for food production and, as a traditio-
nal family-owned company, is very suc-cessfully
represented in the global food
Convenience production