Fotos: Handtmann
Sausage production
Die goldene Mitte
Die neuen Vakuumfüller-Modelle von
Handtmann sind für Mittelbetriebe
und größere Handwerksbetriebe mit
Filialen gedacht. Beide Modelle sind uni-versell
für die allgemeine Lebensmittel-verarbeitung
geeignet, insbesondere aber
für Fleisch, Fleischersatz, Suppen, Salate,
Feinkost oder Convenienceprodukte.
In der Kernkompetenz des Füllens und
Portionierens haben die Maschinen-
The golden middle
The new vacuum fillers from
Handtmann are universally
applicable machines; the
VF 820 takes scalded sausage
production into focus.
The new vacuum filler models from
Handtmann are designed for me-dium-
sized companies and larger
craft businesses with branches. Both
models are universally suitable for gen-eral
food processing, but especially for
meat, meat substitutes, soups, salads,
delicatessen or convenience products.
In the core competence of filling and
portioning, the machine builders from
Biberach have introduced the new
VF 820 and VF 828 models for medi-um-
sized operations. Excellent, repro-ducible
product quality is guaranteed
by the gentle conveying principle of the
VF 800 vane cell conveyor and the inte-grated,
digital product quality monitor-ing.
At the same time, versatile applica-tions
are pre-programmed, as numerous
equipment options, additional functions
and modules, and digital features sup-port
versatile and economical use. Inte-gration
into complex line solutions up to
the packaging unit is easily possible.
Criteria such as long service life,
robustness to industrial standards and
reduced wear for long-term stable por-tioning
accuracy were in the develo-
pers‘ specifications. Portioning preci-sion
to the gram is guaranteed for both
models in all applications, whether for
solid, pasty and liquid consistencies or
product masses of medium lumpiness.
The portioning capacity is up to 1,200
portions per minute.
Constant and accurate to the gram
The particular strength of the VF 820
lies in the application range of scalded
sausage products, both as a clip appli-cation
and in automated sausage pro-duction
in conjunction with Handtmann
AL systems. Its particular strengths:
versatile applications, consistently high
performance and quality accurate to the
With the VF 828 S, production output
can be flexibly scaled to changing pro-duction
requirements. The VF 828 S3
variant can handle a consistently high
production output of up to 3,000 kilo-grams
per hour, while the S5 variant
can handle up to 5,000 kilograms. In
Die neuen Vakuumfüller von Handtmann sind universell
einsetzbare Maschinen; der VF 820 nimmt die
Brühwurstproduktion in den Fokus.
Die Leistung des Handtmann-Vakuumfüllers liegt bei bis zu 1.200 Portionen pro Minute. /
The capacity of the Handtmann vacuum filler is up to 1,200 portions per minute.
34 3/2021