bewundern ihre Fähigkeiten.
Sie bauen natürlich noch ganz
andere Maschinen in Europa
und in der Welt, für Händ-ler
und in Rumänien, aber sie
waren echte Partner für uns.
Sie haben uns von Projekt zu
Projekt richtig beraten und es
geschafft, unser Vertrauen zu
gewinnen. Ihre Spezialisten
Räuchern und Trocknen
Smoking and drying
total maturation period. All
system components are made
of stainless steel with proven
quality and therefore have a
very long service life.
“In order to get a quality pro-duct,
the climate has a very im-portant
role in the production
process. The air must circulate
evenly through the tunnel to
cover the Sibiu salami, and the
machines we purchased reach
the maximum parameters.
Here the secret of Sibiu salami
is the specific taste, the colour
and the external appearance.
For raw-dried products, mois-ture
is eliminated, while for
the cooked ones, moisture is
used. If the salami stick is not
evenly ventilated, it will have
some softer and some harder
portions. With the Vemag ven-tilation
system, the maturation
period for mouldless products
has decreased by two days,
which in a yearly cycle counts
very much.
Seriousness & implicity
„We like the seriousness of
Darimex Techno, the implicitly
of Vemag. They are, of course,
other machinery manufactur-ers
in Europe and in the world,
but they were real partners for
us. They advised us correctly
from project to project, manag-ing
to gain our trust. Their spe-stecken
ihr Herz in das, was
sie tun und auf alle unsere
Anforderungen und Wünsche
rechtzeitig zu reagieren, was
sehr wichtig ist, wenn man ge-gen
die Zeit arbeitet“, denkt
Angelica Smil laut nach.
cialists put their heart in what
they do and respond to all our
requirements and requests in
a timely manner, which is very
important when you work
against time,“ Angelica Smil
thinks out loud.
Fotos: Vemag Anlagenbau/Salbac
16 5/2018