Core machinery
In the heart of the
Salbac factory in
Romania, Vemag
installations for
cold-smoking and
maturation-drying of
products are on duty.
Fotos: Vemag Anlagenbau/Salbac 50% of the market share
for the Sibiu salami is
one of the most impor-tant
achievements for Sal-bac,
a company within the
Agricola group. For achiev-ing
this extraordinary suc-cess
- besides exceptional
management and a particu-lar
rigor in all production
processes - Vemag Anlagen-bau
had an important con-tribution,
a company whose
machineries and installations
are duly represented on the
Romanian market by the dis-tributor
Salbac continued its mo-
dernization process year
after year and the latest pur-chases
including the Vemag
air conditioning system for
the raw-dried salami cate-gory.
“We always aim to im-prove
quality parameters
when making such deci-sions.
We think about what
to do in order to create the
best product possible, of
course, for customer satis-faction.
When taking over
the business, in January
2010, there were two facto-ries
- Salbac Dry Salami and
Conagra. In both factories,
we found Vemag machines
in very good working order,
and colleagues in produc-tion
and maintenance were
pleased with the collabora-tion
with DarimexTechno.
energy consumption
It was then that we decided
to continue with this compa-ny,
both in terms of purchas-ing
equipment as well as
consulting. For us, it is very
important for a vendor to
respond promptly to our re-
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