Grown with the
Renner Schlachthaustechnik,
an internationally established
medium-sized company
from Baden Württemberg,
celebrated its 30th birthday.
Renner from Abtsgmünd in the Ger-man
Ostalbkreis, which was found-ed
on 22 June 1987, recently cele-brated
its 30th anniversary. The company
has earned a solid reputation in the field
of slaughter technology, conveyor tech-nology
and hygienic equipment in the
meat-processing industry and the butch-er‘
s trade. For national as well as inter-national
projects, Renner advises, plans,
manufactures and installs on-site. It has
been supplying slaughtering equipment,
machinery, equipment and components
for slaughtering pigs, cattle, calves, sheep
and goats in more than 50 countries
worldwide. Around 2,000 customers all
over the world maintain partnership and
long-term customer relationships with the
medium-sized companies in the southern
German region. www.renner-sht.de
Your company is celebrating its 30th
anniversary this year. How is your setup
Armin Renner: The company, that my
parents and I have started 30 years ago,
has become a global player. We are a
great team with more than 20 employees
and have built a solid name. Our
fields of activity are slaughter
technology, conveyor technolo-gy
and hygienic equipment for
Company anniversary
one source: consulting,
the meat processing industry.
first demand is the quality - of
our products, our consultation
and our service.
You run the company with your brother
Thomas. How do you allocate the work?
Armin Renner: My brother is responsible
for the customers in Germany, Austria
and Switzerland, I am responsible for in-ternational
and installation on site.“
Armin Renner, Managing Director
sales, what means everything
that does not fall into the DACH region.
This system works very well.
Since the BSE crisis, you have decided
to use the international markets as well
as German-speaking markets. Which
regions are your most important ones
since then?
Thomas Renner: In the meantime, the in-ternational
markets play a very important
role for us, especially the markets in Asia
and Russia.
In an interview, a Russian customer
recently praised your company publicly.
What are the most important criteria for
your customers?
Armin Renner: Our customers get
everything from one source: consulting,
planning, production and installation on
site. We can tailor the equipment exact-ly
to the needs of them. Our production
also offers the advantages of being able
to react quickly and to work cost-effec-tively.
And our customers can convince
„Our customers get
everything from
planning, production
themselves in our production facility in
Abtsgmund that our quality requirement
is not a hint. It is also important for us to
work with customers in the long term -
good relationships grow with time.
You count on fast and good service. On
your website, customers read „Tailor-made
Thomas Renner: Yes, especially in our
special market, we are looking to offer
the customer the right machine or plant.
Our company size offers the great advan-tage
that we can make special products
kind of from the short workbench. After
all, the worker should be able to deal
optimally with the machine on site. That
is why we always work closely with the
customers and pay close attention to the
What are your plans for the future?
Thomas Renner: We want to develop our
product range further. The great advan-tage
of being able to offer everything
from a single source as a small company,
being fast and cost-effective, makes us
Thank you for the interview!
(Interview by Heike Sievers)
Foto: Renner Schlachthaustechnik
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