Fotos: Multivac/Big Steer Meats
USA report
Die transparent verpackten Produkte von Big Steer Meats sind echte
Hingucker. / The transparently packed products of Big Steer Meats
are real eye-catchers.
mit nur einer einzigen Maschi-ne
exakt zu kennzeichnen. Die
integrierte Steuerungs- und
Antriebselektronik mit Servo-technik
gewährleistet dabei
die exakte Positionierung der
Etiketten – bei uns geschieht
dies auf der Oberfolie und auf
dem Packungsboden.“
Durch die korrekte Kenn-zeichnung
der Produktpa-ckungen
wird natürlich auch
die Identifizierbarkeit der Pro-dukte
durch die gesamte Pro-zesskette
sichergestellt. Alle
Packungen tragen die gesetz-lich
vorgeschriebenen Anga-ben
zum Produkt, zum Her-steller,
zur Haltbarkeit und
zur Charge. Die Informationen
sind von Beginn an deutlich
lesbar und im Warenwirt-schaftssystem
erfasst. „Nun
können wir genau sehen,
wann die Ware hergestellt
wurde – und sie pünktlich in
den Handel bringen“, freut
sich der Firmenchef.
same tight space as there is at
Big Steer Meats, and this load-ing
area can also be expanded
to three tracks if required. The
multi-talented machine has
energy-efficient drive systems
for tray transport, lifting unit
and film trim winder, and it
can also be combined with dis-charge
Efficiency increased
Thanks to the IPC06 machine
control with touchscreen and
graphic HMI 2.0 user inter-face,
the operation of the ma-chine
is very user-friendly.
The T 300 is capable of be-ing
washed down, and with
its stainless steel construction
it is designed for the highest
hygiene requirements.
In March 2015 the company
invested in a Baseline P 600
double chamber machine from
Multivac. It replaced the pack-aging
machine from another
manufacturer. This model,
which is also capable of being
washed down, has the same
construction as the P 500, but
it has larger chambers that
are each equipped with two
sealing bars. While products
are being packed in the first
chamber, the second chamber
can be unloaded and loaded
again. This makes the packag-ing
procedure especially effi-cient.
The machine is also easy
to clean and simple to control
thanks to its three program
memory spaces. It is used by
Big Steer Meats to pack snacks
and products with a large
At the same time, a further
Multivac machine was pur-chased
- this time a F 100,
a pre-configured, entry-le-
vel thermoforming packaging
machine, which among its fea-tures
includes a small space
requirement like the T
300 and an attractive
ratio. It can run flexi-ble
film and rigid film
with a thickness of up
to 500 μm, and it has
a film width
of up to 459 mm. The forming
depth is a maximum of 130
mm, and the cut-off length
is up to 500 mm. “We had in
mind a more professional and
attractive pack design for our
smoked sausage products
and grill sausages,” explains
Charles Cory. And since the
demand continued to rise, “it
was once again necessary to
significantly increase output,
in other words to pack a larger
quantity of products in a shor-ter
time.” The installation of
the P 600 and F 100 went with-out
a hitch. The necessary tests
had already been completed
by the third day, when both
machines were able to be inte-grated
into production.
Packaging easier
In October 2015 the company
invested once more in its pack-aging
procedure - this time in
a L 300 conveyor belt labeller
from Multivac Marking & In-spection.
Thanks to its modular
construction, the free-standing
model can be adapted to the
particular requirements, and it
enables thermoformed packs,
film pouches and trays with
different formats and designs
to be labelled professionally.
Charles Cory adds: “This fac-tor
was crucial for us. The L 300
now enables us to apply labels
accurately to all our products
with one single machine. The
integrated control and drive
electronics with servo technol-ogy
ensures that the labels are
positioned very accurately.”
With the correct labelling of
the product packs, it can now
also be ensured that the prod-ucts
are identifiable through-out
the entire process chain.
All packs carry the legally re-quired
information about the
product, manufacturer, shelf
life and batch. This informa-tion
is clearly visible from the
start and is captured in the in-ventory
control system. “Now
we can see exactly, when the
product was manufactured
and put it into the retail chain
at the right time,” says the
company boss.
an Produkten in kürzerer Zeit
zu verpacken.“
Sowohl bei der F 100 als auch
bei der P 600 verlief die In-stallation
reibungslos. Die not-wendigen
Tests waren bereits
am dritten Tag abgeschlossen
und die Maschinen konnten
in die Produktion eingebun-den
werden. Probleme gab es
keine – „einzig bei der F 100
kam eine erwähnenswerte Be-dienungsfrage
auf den Tisch,
die aber durch unsere Tech-niker
erschöpfend beantwor-tet
werden konnte“, freut sich
Tim Fox, für Big Steer Meats
zuständiger Regional Sales
Manager von Multivac.
Verpacken erleichtert
Zur Optimierung des Verpa-ckungsprozesses
das amerikanische Unterneh-men
im Oktober 2015 schließ-lich
noch in einen Transport-bandetikettierer
L 300 von
Multivac Marking & Inspec-tion.
Das freistehende Modell
passt sich dank des modularen
Aufbaus den jeweiligen Anfor-derungen
an und ermöglicht
die professionelle Kennzeich-nung
von Tiefziehverpackun-gen,
Beuteln und Trays mit
unterschiedlichen Formaten
und Designs. Charles Cory er-gänzt:
„Genau dieser Faktor
war für uns wesentlich. Denn
mit dem L 300 sind wir nun in
der Lage, alle unsere Produkte
34 4/2017