Foto: Multipond/H. & E. Reinert
40 4/2017
The butchery H. & E. Reinert was
founded in 1931 as a slaughterhouse.
For three generations, the West-phalian
family company has been con-centrating
on meat and sausage products.
The philosophy of the company is: quality,
craftsmanship and innovation for the cus-tomers.
„Just the demands of the past few
years have brought the issues of product
safety, quality and hygiene into the con-sumer‘
s consciousness“, adds Jörg Timpe,
Technical Director at H. & E. Reinert.
The company is using Multipond‘s mul-ti-
head weighing systems in production.
Only recently, another MP-30-1000-400-J
system for weighing diced ham was pur-chased
for the plant in Versmold. The
biggest challenge with this project was
the limited height of 4.50 m; every milli-meter
counted. „This is absolute special
machine construction. For us, it was clear
from the experiences of the past that only
Multipond could cope with it,“ says the
technical director.
Focus on hygiene
The diced ham is transported to the stage
with a conveyor belt from Gröneweg.
Another feed belt carries the ham to the
multihead weighing machine. Their
J-generation has been developed for use
in areas with extreme hygiene require-ments.
„The hygienic alignment of the
scale was clearly another reason why we
chose Multipond,“ explains Jörg Timpe.
On the scale, the diced ham is conveyed
into the storage containers via the radi-ally
arranged metering troughs and then
into the weighing containers arranged
thereunder. A computer now determines
a combination from the partial quantities
to achieve the nominal filling weight of
125 g.
The scale is controlled and operated via
a colored touch screen monitor. The fully
automatic calibration of the load cells by
means of integrated calibration weights
ensures the highest accuracy and availa-bility.
The 30-head scale is equipped with
a triple spout. Under each of these out-
Auf das
Gramm genau
Die Fleischerei Reinert reduziert Giveaway und Standzeiten
bei ihren Schinkenwürfeln mit Wägesystemen von Multipond.
Die Privat-Fleischerei H. & E. Reinert
wurde 1931 als Lohnschlachterei
gegründet. Seit drei Generationen
dreht sich in dem westfälischen Fami-lienunternehmen
alles um Fleisch- und
Wurstwaren. Die Philosophie des Unter-nehmens
lautet: Qualität, Handwerks-kunst
und Innovation für die Kunden.
„Gerade die Anforderungen der vergan-genen
Jahre haben die Themen Produkt-sicherheit,
Qualität und Hygiene in das
Bewusstsein der Verbraucher gerückt“,
ergänzt Jörg Timpe, Technischer Leiter bei
H. & E. Reinert.
Das Unternehmen setzt in der Produkti-on
auf die Mehrkopfwägesysteme von
Multipond. Erst kürzlich wurde ein wei-teres
System vom Typ MP-30-1000-400-J
to a gram
The Westphalian butchery
reduces giveaway and standing
times with its ham dice with
multi-head weighing systems
from Multipond.