Foto & Grafik: Just in Air/B&L Medien, R. Wildenauer
Production hygiene
stoff am Keim) als auch der
kompletten Erreichbarkeit er-füllen.
Um sicher in den Stoff-wechsel
der Mikroorganismen
eingreifen zu können, müssen
die Wirksubstanzen in wässri-ger
Phase eingelöst sein, was
auch eine technisch kontrol-lierte
Verteilung ermöglicht.
Tests in der Praxis
Ein nach diesen Kriterien ent-wickeltes
mit einem wässri-gen
Wirkstoff und gesteuerter
zur Ausbringung, wurde in
verschiedenen Praxiseinsät-zen
zur Frischfleischproduk-tion
getestet. Eine wesentliche
Anforderung war die Beibe-haltung
der bestehenden Pro-zessabläufe
ohne Änderungen
an der Prozesstechnik. Dieses
wurde nach folgenden wissen-schaftlichen
Grundsätzen er-reicht.
Mittels Ultraschalltech-nik
wurde der flüssige Wirk-stoff
in einen hochwirksamen
Nebel überführt, wobei die
adiabatische Grundsatzregel
zum Einsatz kommt:
Somit hat auch die Verände-rung
des Aggregatzustandes
von flüssig in gasförmig eine
wirkungspotenzierende Ei-genschaft,
wodurch in sehr
kurzer Einwirkzeit, geringen
Konzentrationen und Tempe-raturbereichen
schon ab 2°C
sehr gute Wirkung erreicht
wurde, was dieses Verfahren
in der Hygieneanwendung un-abhängiger
von Einwirktem-peratur
und Zeit macht.
Ein im Test als Vergleich her-angezogenes
Verfahren wirkte
erst in einem Temperaturbe-reich
deutlich oberhalb von
15 °C (der thermokinetischen
Metabolie von Mikroorganis-men
geschuldet) und war nur
the company‘s region, for ex-ample.
Natural resources are
integrated into the operation
The process environment thus
optimised can be brought in line
with the individual processing
technologies through addition-al,
targeted hygiene measures.
This further increases hygiene
food safety (shelf life) and cuts
process costs. Safe hygiene dur-ing
the production processes
should be created in the imme-diate
environment of the indi-vidual
process steps to continu-ously
keep the air, and also the
processing surfaces, at a per-manently
low level of microbi-al
contamination. The scope of
this task must be strictly aligned
with physical and microbiologi-cal
considerations. The majority
of bacteria takes the shape of
rods, which are not more than 1
μm wide and 5 μm long. Many
pseudomonas have a diameter
of 0.4 to 0.7 μm and a length of
2 to 3 μm. The diameter of
micrococci is 0.5 μm. Among
the micro-organisms, fungi are
much larger than bacteria. Air-borne
fungi are either yeasts
(4 to 15 μm) or spores (3 to 6
A coordinated process must
satisfy the laws on equality of
mass as a result of the required
adhesion (active ingredient
on the germ), and must also
be completely achievable. To
be able to safely intervene in
the metabolic process of the
microorganisms, the active
substances must be dissolved
in the aqueous phase, which
also permits a technically-con-trolled
Practical tests
A hygienisation process, de-veloped
according to these
criteria, with an aqueous ac-tive
ingredient and controlled
PLC-fine nebulisation for the
recovery has been tested in
various practical applications
for fresh meat production.
A key requirement was to re-tain
the existing process se-quences
without changing the
process technology. This was
achieved in accordance with
scientific principles.
Using ultrasound technology,
the liquid active substance was
transferred into a highly-effec-tive
mist, with the adiabatic
principle rule being applied:
Consequently, the change of
aggregate state from liquid to
gaseous also has an effect-en-hancing
property. A very good
effect was achieved over a
very short exposure time and
at low concentrations and tem-perature
ranges from just 2 °C.
This process is therefore less
dependent on exposure and
time in hygienic applications.
A process used in the test as a
comparison occurred only in a
temperature range significant-ly
above 15 °C and had only a
limited effect in terms of both
time and location. The tests
were performed based on DIN
13697 for the yield as mist and
via spray applications. In the
result, the vaccination values
for 12 food-relevant test strains
were the same as the reduction
value. The results for minced
meat using the new hygienisa-tion
show that the germ status
of untreated products increas-es
by two log levels. After 7
Test germ
Wirksamkeit bei der Behand-lung
mit dem neuen Hygienisie-rungsverfahren.
/ Effectiveness
of the treatment with the new
hygieniseration process.
+ = vollständige Inaktivierung / complete inactivation
Hygienische Kon-
trolle der Arbeits-oberflächen.
Hygienic control of
the work surfaces.
Hefen und Schimmel / Yeasts and spores
Yarrowia lipolytica / Yarrowia lipolytica + +
Penicillium chrysogenum /
Penicillium chrysogenum + +
Bakterien / Bacteria
Escherichia coli / Escherichia coli + +
Enterobacter cloacae / Enterobacter cloacae + +
Enterococcus faecium /
Enterococcus faecium + +
Lactobacillus sakei / Lactobacillus sakei + +
Listeria monocytogenes /
Listeria monocytogenes + +
Salmonella typhimurium /
Salmonella typhimurium + +
Pseudomonas aeruginosa /
Pseudomonas aeruginosa + +
Staphylococcus aureus /
Staphylococcus aureus + +
Acinetobacter baumannii /
Acinetobacter baumannii + +
Viren / Viruses
Murines Norovirus / Murines Norovirus + +
44 4/2017