füllt“. Dennoch seien nachhaltigere Lö-
sungen möglich. Die Oldenburger Ver-packungsprofis
setzen dabei auf ressour-censchonende
neue Systeme mit hohem
Papier- und Kartonanteil für gängige
Traysealer-Anwendungen wie Skin und
MAP sowie auf eine Thermoform-Lösung
auf Papierbasis. Das im Handel mitt-lerweile
etablierte FlatSkin®-Verfahren
verringert den Kunststoffeinsatz um über
75 Prozent und verbessert die Recycling-fähigkeit.
Nach der Produktentnahme
wird die dünne Kunststoffbeschichtung
einfach mit einer Peellasche vom Karton
abgezogen. Beide Komponenten lassen
sich getrennt in den entsprechenden
Wertstoffsammlungen entsorgen.
Auf der IFFA 2019 in Frankfurt am Main
präsentierte das Unternehmen außerdem
als Innovation eine MAP-Tray-Lösung
mit einem besonders hohen Kartonanteil.
Über 40 Prozent Kunststoffersparnis sol-professionals
from Oldenburg rely on
resource-saving new systems with high
paper and cardboard content for com-mon
tray sealer applications such as skin
and MAP as well as on a thermoforming
solution based on paper. The FlatSkin®
process, now established in the trade, re-duces
the use of plastics by more than 75
percent and improves recyclability. After
the product has been removed, the thin
plastic coating is simply removed from
the cardboard with a peel flap. Both com-ponents
can be disposed of separately in
the corresponding recyclables collections.
At IFFA 2019 in Frankfurt am Main, the
company also presented an innovative
MAP tray solution with a high cardboard
content. Over 40 percent plastic savings
should be possible on almost all Sealpac
A-series traysealers.
Poly-clip System wanted to find out how
competitive traditional solutions can be.
The company commissioned Fraunhofer
Umsicht to conduct a study on the carbon
footprints of packaging solutions. The in-stitute
for environmental safety and ener-gy
technology was asked to investigate
different packaging solutions for meat
products and compare clip closure solu-tions
with tray and thermoformed pack-aging
as well as injection-moulded cups
for defined meat products.
The results
• Up to 64 percent less greenhouse gas
emissions for the clip closure solution
compared to the injection-moulded
• Up to 81 percent less greenhouse gas
emissions for the clip closure solution
compared to thermoformed packaging
for cold cuts.
“For sliced meats, using the clip closure
solution can save about 0.05 kg CO2
equivalents compared to thermoformed
packaging. Extrapolated to the consump-tion
of cold cuts in Germany, this results
in a saving of 22,133 tons of CO2 equiv-alents
per year and corresponds to about
173,051,863 driven car kilometers,“ says
Nils Thonemann from the Fraunhofer
Umsicht Sustainability and Resource
Management Department. „In the case of
the packaging of spreadable sausage, up
to 0.04 kg CO2 equivalents per compari-son
unit and 4,427 tons CO2 equivalents
relative to the total German consumption
of spreadable sausage per year are saved
by using the clip closure solution.
A result in the best interest of the client:
“We had expected our packaging solu-tions
to have environmental advantages.
The study enables us to quantify these
benefits for our customers,“ says Kristian
Weber auf
Papierbasis. /
solution from
Your Quality. Our Technology. 46 4/2019
Foto: Weber Maschinenbau
The Impact.
Am PoS, dem härtesten Wett-bewerb,
mit Konzept, Optik
und Technologie punkten.
SEALPAC schafft beste Bedingungen
für höchste Qualität im SB-Segment.
Mit SEALPAC FlatSkin® werden Ihre
Frischfl eischprodukte besonders
attraktiv und nachhaltig präsentiert.
SP_700_FT-Steak_212x73_RZ-ohne-Stoerer.indd 1 26.06.19 09:45