Fotos: Linde
Technische Gase
Technical gases
den Luftsauerstoff, wodurch
Oxidationsprozesse unterbun-den
werden. Speziell bei der
Herstellung von Weißwür-sten
macht man sich auch die
leichte Weißfärbung zunutze,
die entsteht, wenn sich das
CO2 teilweise in der Wurst-masse
Und auch in der Intralogis-tik
sind Trockeneispellets
und -nuggets in zertifizierter
Lebensmittelqualität hervor-ragend
einsetzbar: So lassen
sich Fleisch oder Zutaten bei-spielsweise
zum betriebsinter-nen
Transport in E2-Kisten mit
Trockeneis (siehe Bild S. 34)
abstreuen. Der Kühleffekt hält
ohne besondere Isoliervor-richtungen
für einige Stunden
an, ohne dass dabei die Pro-duktqualität
durch Feuchtig-keit
Zum schnellen Abstreuen der
Kisten mit Trockeneisschnee
bietet Linde eine speziell dafür
entwickelte Schneestation an.
Darin wird der Schnee direkt
36 3/2017
Trockeneis in zertifizierter Lebensmittelqualität kann in vielen lebens-mitteltechnischen
Anwendungen eingesetzt werden, auch in der Fleisch-industrie.
/ Certified food grade dry ice has numerous food processing
for all companies directly in-volved
in manufacturing and
distribution from primary pro-ducers
to producers and those
in the retail sector. This also
means that it is relevant for
all other organisations associ-ated
with production such as
the producers of equipment,
packing materials, cleaning
products, additives and ingre-dients.
This is the only way
in which food safety can be
ensured at all points in the
food stuffs chain. In contrast
to ISO 22000, numerous other
certification standards affect
the food processing industry
but not the adjacent processes.
This is why the International
Food Standard (IFS) is difficult
to apply to the manufacture of
additives, packaging materials
or processing machines.
Cooling with cryo-gases
The cooling effects of cryo-genic
technical gases can also
aus flüssigem CO2 in Lebens-mittelqualität
erzeugt. Die
Kisten durchlaufen die Ma-schine
auf einem Förderband
und werden binnen Sekun-den
mit Trockeneis aufgefüllt.
be used in many other ways.
It can be used for the precise
temperature control of mixing
processes, in particular cryo-genic
cooling with liquid nitro-gen
or carbon dioxide is useful
here. The Lixshooter® system
allows the gases to enter from
below. In contrast to conven-tional
methods where the
coolant is distributed over the
product surface from above,
here, the cooling effect is more
direct and faster.
Lixshooter® is a space-saving
injector system which can be
fitted or retrofitted to different
mixing containers, stirrer tanks,
kneaders and similar machines.
The cryogenic liquefied gas is
injected into the product mass
from the bottom of the mixer.
This results in an immediate
heat transfer with low gas con-sumption.
Depending on the
product and equipment, it has
a 98% efficiency rate.
The system is particularly
useful for the processing of
low-viscosity and paste-like
mixer products that heat up
during mixing and do not
swell. It can be used for a wide
range of products including
moulded products made from
meat or vegetables, soups,
sauces, pastes and pulped
products, baby food or purées.
The Lixshooter® can be used
here for fast cooling to inhibit
the growth of micro-organisms
or to reduce the loss of volatile
In meat production, its injectors
ensure a continuous process
temperature up to a maximum
of +2°C through the use of
liquid carbon dioxide. An
additional effect of the car-bon
dioxide is, that it prevents
oxidation. Silvia Henke
Silvia Henke
Head of Market Development: Food
Linde AG, Linde Gas Department
Leiterin Marktentwicklung Food
Linde AG,
Geschäftsbereich Linde Gas
applications, even in the meat industry.