Mit den Inotec BC175 Prozessautomaten und BC140 Universalprozesseinheiten
können kleine Chargen schnell, hygienisch und flexi- bel hergestellte werden. /
Inotec BC175 Automatic Processing Equipment and BC140 Universal Processing Unit: Both are for
small batches which are processed fast, hygienically and allow a very flexible way of operation.
products in an extremely short processing time.
The tilting angle to discharge is adjustable for
different product viscosities. The wide tilting an-gel
allows best discharge and easy cleaning after
each batch. The plug on scraper gets the product
off from the low part of the mixer wall within
only one turn-around.
Modular multitalents
Integrated processing equipments are offered by
Inotec on basis of the I 175 and I 140 emulsifiers.
The modular design of these machines allows to
scope the entire production process in one sole
machine. Like this also food markets of niche
products, e.g. halal, kosher, vegan, vegetarian
or antiallergenic, can be served. The integrat-ed
processing equipements are offering in one
compact unit the complete process of cooking
(with direct injection of culinary steam), vacuum,
mixing, emulsifying and pumping to a filling
machine or into a silo. With processing hoppers
of 300 to 500 liter the equipments can achieve
up to 6 batches per hour with a maximum rate
of production flexibility. The universal processing
units are suitable for smoothies of vegetables or
fruits, processed cheese products, bread spreads
of vegetables, meat or fish and also for baby and
hospital food. www.inotecgmbh.de
Foto: Inotec