the touch of a button. This transparency is
crucial in current day-to-day business, but is
set to go one step further. “We are currently
working on making it possible for us to see not
only the sales figures, but also the contribution
margin or the customer profit and loss account
on a daily basis,“ says Schmiedbauer.
Production without stopping
It was Schmiedbauer‘s father Karl who built the
company on a greenfield site a good 20 years
ago - and thus anticipated much of what would
probably be called “digital sausage produc-tion“
today. Paperless information processing,
automated production and logistics processes,
intelligent material flow control, networking
with other locations: the most important key
factors of a smart factory were already taken
into account at the time when the factory was
A good example is the largely automated and
thus fast process from cutting to production.
Even the removal of hanging meat to the
cutting lines is automated using the CSB-System
software. The cut pieces are then transferred
to the meat high-bay warehouse in E3 crates
based on the information from the recipe man-agement
system. On their way there, the bar-codes
of the crates with crate number, weight
minus tare, article and batch number and the
stored destination are read in the CSB-System.
This is done at a so-called information point
via a scanner.
In the course of retrieval, the required quan-tities
of meat and bacon are calculated based
on the recipe and requested at a CSB-Rack at
the high-bay warehouse. The retrieved crates
are transported via the conveyor belts to the
mixing plant and shredded. From here they
are transported to the cuttery and filling plant
and finally to the smoking, roasting or cooking
plants. Via a further data acquisition station the
finished products are stored before they are
labelled and dispatched according to customer
But optimized production alone does not lead
to success. Only when data management works
perfectly can a smooth and error-free flow of
information be guaranteed. This is particularly
important in price labeling: At the four Wies-bauer
locations, there are many departments
that produce a wide variety of sausage and
ham products such as the Bergsteigerwurst,
Kabanossi or Krakauer sausage in different
processes. The products are made according to
traditional recipes, but of course there are also
regular changes here - which in turn must also
be reflected on the label. For this purpose, LMIV
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conformity must be ensured at all times. How
does this work without much effort?
At Wiesbauer, all labeling-relevant information
is stored centrally in the ERP system. Changes to
the parts lists are therefore directly available at
all locations - and result in automatic adapta-tion
equalized slicer goods, self-service sausage or
weight-dependent goods: time-consuming and
cost-intensive double maintenance of the data
is not necessary.
Further digital expansion
The basic technologies used by Wiesbauer
in the store and top floor will enable further
optimization in the future. To this end, there
will be one or two fresh cell treatments in the
form of new digitization projects. According
to Schmiedbauer, the goal is an intelligent
sausage factory that is resistant to downtime
and can react flexibly to customer requests for
changes at any time. Because for managing
director Thomas Schmiedbauer, this is a major
competitive advantage: “If I can‘t rely on my
software and my technologies, I can‘t guarantee
my customer my service and then he won‘t be
my customer for long. That‘s why continuous
digitization is an immensely important topic in
today‘s world.“
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