Danish Crown ist einer der weltgröß-ten
Exporteure und Europas führender
Fleischverarbeiter. Die Unternehmens-gruppe,
deren Wurzeln bis ins Jahr 1887
zurückreichen, hat ihren Hauptsitz im
dänischen Randers. Heute beschäftigt
Danish Crown rund 23.000 Mitarbeiter
und erzielt einen Umsatz in Höhe von
über 7,5 Mrd. Euro.
Die Ishida GmbH in Schwäbisch Hall
ist die für Deutschland und Österreich
zuständige Niederlassung von Ishida
Europe (Sitz: Birmingham, England). Das
Unternehmen produziert und installiert
Wiege- und Verpackungstechnologien für
den Food- und Non-Food-Bereich. Ange-boten
werden Maschinen für das Verwie-gen,
Abfüllen und Verpacken sowie die
Qualitätskontrolle, Kunden erhalten auch
komplette Linien und Service aus einer
Hand. www.ishidaeurope.com/de
Danish Crown is one of the world‘s
largest exporters and Europe‘s leading
meat processor. The group, whose roots
go back to 1887, has its headquarters
in Randers, Denmark. Today, the company
employs around 23,000 people and has
a turnover of over 7.5 billion euros.
Ishida GmbH in Schwäbisch Hall is the
branch of Ishida Europe responsible for
Germany and Austria (headquarters:
Birmingham, England). The company
designs, produces and installs weighing
and packaging technologies for the food
and non-food sectors. The company offers
machines for weighing, filling and packa-
ging as well as quality control. Customers
also receive complete line solutions and
service from a single source.
integrated. The factory has already started oper-ations
and will process 14,000 tons of meat per
year when it reaches full capacity.
Solutions from a single source
Ishida was chosen because the manufacturer
can deliver complete line solutions from a single
source, in line with efficiency and performance
requirements. “From our point of view, Ishida
had the most relevant experience and the best
solutions on offer,“ says Nicolai Linde. “With a
single point of contact, we were able to accel-erate
the entire process. In particular, the close
cooperation and constant exchange between
our two teams meant that all challenges were
quickly mastered, so that the project remained
within the set budget and time frame.“
Ishida equipment installed at the new Danish
Crown factory includes CCW-RV-214 multi-head
weighers, QX-1100 dual-lane traysealers,
DACS-G checkweighers, IX-GN X-ray inspection
systems and weighprice labelers. In addition,
cube cutters, slicers, batching tables, labellers
and cartoners were integrated into the lines.
Ishida provided Danish Crown‘s staff with
comprehensive training in the operation of the
machines and installed a technician on site dur-ing
the first months to ensure a smooth start.
Traysealers for Map and Skin
A key requirement of the overall design was
maximum flexibility so that the lines could
handle many different products and packaging
types. For example, a multihead weigher is ca-pable
of either filling slices of meat directly into
trays or feeding ribs to a batching table where
they are aligned in the trays.
Similarly, the QX-1100 traysealers can seal not
only map trays but also skin packages, enabling
Danish Crown to meet the growing demand in
China for bone-in meat products. “The Ishida
traysealers have proven to be very reliable and
they consistently produce high quality sealed
seams,“ says Nicolai Linde.
Fotos: Ishida/Danish Crown
Individueller geht‘s nicht
Mit dem innovaƟ ven und fl exiblen „Glazes”
Konzept wird Ihr Produkt zum absoluten
Eyecatcher im SB Regal. Die exzellent haŌ enden,
kreaƟ ven Gewürzmischungen sorgen für die
grandiose OpƟ k und den „süchƟ g” machenden
Einfache Handhabung
Auf Basis einer Grundrezeptur werden durch das
auŌ umbeln einzigarƟ ger Gewürzmischungen –
schnell und ohne zusätzlichen Maschineneinsatz
– unterschiedliche Geschmäcker bedient. Auch
eine fl exible ReakƟ on auf LEH-AkƟ onen oder
Trends ist so jederzeit möglich.
*Bestäti gt durch das beim „Glazes-Fotoshooti ng”
anwesende Fototeam und unser Marketi ng,
welche uns kaum etwas übrig gelassen haben...
Meat Cracks
Technologie GmbH
Rienshof 2
D-49439 Steinfeld-Mühlen
+49 5492 9609-0