Continued from page 36
Korean first-class gastronomy, the pork belly is
considered a top delicacy.
An important link in the production chain is
the pressing and packaging of the pork bellies.
“Throughout the entire production process, we
attach great importance to the greatest possible
care in risk management and quality control.
Our machinery must work correspondingly
reliably,” says Alois Strohmeier, owner and CEO
of the traditional company.
Before shipping, the bellies are shaped and
frozen so that further processing in the Far East
can be carried out according to exact param-eters
and always consistently. With a forming
press from Hoegger AG in Flawil, Switzerland,
they are given the exact dimensions required
for this. In order for this to succeed, the bellies
must first be thermally conditioned and provid-ed
with a stable and circumferentially homoge-neous
frozen edge.
Exact temperature is crucial
The temperature range that enables dimen-sionally
stable pressing must be set exactly. If
the product is too hot, it quickly loses its shape
again after pressing, if it is too cold, cracks and
warping occur due to embrittlement, especially
in the fat layer.
Since mid-2019 Steirerfleisch has been using
Pro Stunde können bei Steirerfleisch in den beiden Tunnelfrostern von Dantech Freezing Systems bis zu
5.000 kg Schweinebauch verarbeitet werden. /
Up to 5,000 kg of pork belly can be processed per hour in the two tunnel freezers from Dantech Freezing
two Ultraflow Super Hygiene tunnel freezers
from Dantech Freezing Systems to condition
the product before the press - to the meat
producer’s utmost satisfaction. In the opinion
of owner Alois Strohmeier, the systems have
already clearly proven themselves in the short
time available.
Originally designed differently
The impingement process that is effective here
accelerates the cold air at -35°C to 40 m/s and
blows it homogeneously over the product from
above and below. This freezing process, which
is decisive for the quality of the end prod-uct,
takes place significantly faster than with
conventional comparable systems from other
manufacturers due to the high air speed and
targeted air guidance. In this way, up to 5,000
kg of pork belly per hour can be processed on
two lines at Steirerfleisch.
“When we designed our tunnel freezers for
Steirerfleisch auf diese Weise an zwei Linien bis
zu 5.000 KIlogramm Schweinebauch verarbeitet
Ursprünglich anders konzipiert
„Als wir unsere Tunnelfroster für das Anfrosten
verschiedenster Produkte konzipierten, haben
wir in erster Linie an eine Vorbehandlung ge-dacht,
die das Lebensmittel für das Portionieren
bzw. Slicen perfekt vorbereitet. In den meisten
Anwendungsfällen ist dies auch so. Sowohl
Steirerfleisch als ein weiterer Kunde aus Italien
setzen unseren Froster jedoch vornehmlich in der
Linienproduktion für das Pressen bzw. Verpacken
ein. Hier zeigt sich, wie vielseitig die Lösungen
‘made in Denmark‘ für die Lebensmittelindus-trie
sind“, sagt Dantech-Geschäftsführer Jens
Für Steirerfleisch besteht ein weiterer Vorteil in
der Bauweise der Tunnelfroster, die sich dank
der sehr kompakten Abmessungen – mit einer
Arbeitsbodenfläche von lediglich etwa 10 x 3,5
Metern – perfekt in das Produktionslayout ein-fügen.
Die hebbare Haube erleichtert die Rei-nigung.
Die Tunnelfroster sind in Wolfsberg komplett auf
die Pressen von Hoegger abgestimmt. Aber auch
mit Maschinen anderer Hersteller ist das System
freezing a wide variety of products, we primarily
thought of a pre-treatment that would prepare
the food perfectly for portioning or slicing. In
most applications this is also the case. However,
both Steirerfleisch and another customer from
Italy use our freezer primarily in line production
for pressing or packaging. This shows how
versatile the solutions ‘made in Denmark’ for
the food industry are,” says Dantech managing
director Jens Westerheide.
Another advantage for Steirerfleisch is the
tunnel freezer design, which fits perfectly into
the production layout thanks to its very com-pact
dimensions - with a working floor area of
only about 10 x 3.5 metres. The liftable hood
facilitates cleaning.
The tunnel freezers in Wolfsberg are completely
adapted to Hoegger presses. But the system
is also compatible with machines from other
As a partner to the food industry, Dantech Freezing develops tailor-made systems for processing
high quality, hygienically perfect products. The portfolio includes spiral freezers and coolers, tunnel
freezers and coolers, cooking ovens (thermal oil hot air technology) and spiral pasteurisers.
The focus is on machines for freezing in the Individual Quick Freezing Process (IQF). Dantech systems
are designed for freezing, deep-freezing, chilling, tempering, cooking, preservation and thawing
of meat and fish products, seafood, bakery products and vegetables as well as pre-packaged conve-nience
From its production site in Aalborg (Denmark) Dantech Freezing Systems supplies to all markets
through a global sales and service network. The distribution of Dantech Freezing products in Austria
is organized by the machine manufacturers through Leidenfrost Lebensmitteltechnik in Hartkirchen
(Upper Austria). www.dantechfreezing.com
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Foto: Dantech Freezing Systems