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Gute Bakterien
Wenn man sich für seine gute
Sache einsetzen will, braucht
man Durchsetzungsvermögen.
Das gilt für den Menschen – und auch für
Milchsäurebakterien, die für die Reifung
in der Rohwurst verantwortlich sind: Sie
werden dem rohen Fleisch als Starter-kulturen
zugegeben und sorgen für ein
attraktives Aroma und eine lange Halt-barkeit
durch Senkung des pH-Wertes.
Good bacteria
The lactic acid bacteria that are
best used as starter cultures for
raw sausage fermentation are
known to be the organisms Lacto-bacillus
sakei and Lactobacillus cur-vatus.
So far, however, the tools for
a resource-saving, knowledge-based
selection of such strains of these two
lactic acid bacteria, which have par-ticularly
good assertiveness, have been
The aim of a joint industrial research
project (IGF) is to identify exactly these
strains quickly and without time-con-suming
empirical experiments by
means of the genetic fingerprint. To
this end, researchers at the Technical
University of Munich are developing
an easy-to-use detection method (PCR
array with marker genes) that can be
used to identify the assertiveness of
investigated strains. Conditions for
preconditioning are to be derived from
the behaviour of the selected strains,
which can further increase their asser-tiveness.
With the help of these results, both
process and product safety in raw saus-age
production can be increased and
faulty batches avoided. The range of
future-oriented, assertive starter cul-tures
can be expanded and offer new
opportunities for product development.
It also helps to minimise antibiotic-
resistant bacteria in the food chain.
Zur Identifizierung von Milchsäurebakterien für die
optimale Rohwurstreifung mittels genetischem
Fingerabdruck ist Durchsetzungsfähigkeit gefragt.
Assertiveness is in demand:
Identification of lactic
acid bacteria for optimum
raw sausage maturation
by means of genetic
24 6/2017