der eigens entwickelten Software
„Singer Interface“ ausliefern. Da-mit
wollen die Maschinenbauer ihre
Vorreiterrolle im Markt in Sachen
Das Einlegesystem ist problemlos linien-kompatibel.
/ The insertion system
is easily line compatible.
This is how the fully automatic insertion
(not only) of natural casing sausages works with
the Loading system Type V-G-E from Singer & Sohn.
It began with the automated in-sertion
of peeled hot dogs into
a thermoforming machine. Sys-tems
for collagen and polyamide
casings followed. In 2018 Singer
& Sohn then presented the first in-sertion
system for natural casings.
To a certain extent, the mechanical
engineers from Berching reinvented
(and continue to reinvent) the au-tomated
insertion of products into
the packaging machine with their
Loading system Type V-G-E. With
solutions for thermoforming and
flow wrapping machines as well
as tray sealers from all well-known
suppliers on the German and inter-national
From the beginning, the main
focus was on flexible, space-saving
systems that achieve high cycle
rates when inserting products and
are also easy to clean. With perma-
nent further development of the
inserting system, it was possible
to first align the naturally curved
sausages with each other before
a gripper printed in 3D process
mechanically grasps the groups
of sausages and places them in
the packaging. „The flexibility of
our systems is not only due to the
gripper, but also to the patented
separation and grouping process
connected in front of it,“ says
junior manager Christian Singer,
revealing the recipe for success.
Pneumatically controlled
The system consists of three
standard modules that can
be individually adapted to the
customer‘s requirements. The use
of camera technology has been
avoided, as has the suction of the
• Automatic depositing for a wide range of product types
• Tool-free conversion for product change
• Design of the plant adapted to the respective customer requirements
• Future-oriented maintenance and service concept
(predictive maintenance)
• Simple operation through specially developed software
• Upstream and downstream machines from one source
products. Instead, the Bavarians
specialized in the development of
mechanical grippers that are pneu-matically
controlled. An integrated
quick-release fastener allows the
gripper to be changed within ten
seconds and thus to be cleaned
In principle, the Singer & Sohn
engineers paid attention to a
hygienic construction of the plant.
The insertion system, including the
robot, is made completely of stain-less
steel and is therefore perfectly
suited for wet operation. In addi-tion,
the system can be dismantled
without tools for conversion to
Ein im 3D-Verfahren
gedruckter Greifer
erfasst die Würst-chen
und legt sie
in der Verpackung
ab. /
A gripper printed
in a 3D process
takes the sausages
and places them
in the package.
Einlegetechnik weiter ausbauen
und ihre Kunden im Servicebereich
noch intensiver unterstützen.
another product, for example cold
cuts, salmon fillets or other piece
goods, and for cleaning.
In order to make the daily produc-tion
processes even smarter and
more efficient or to monitor them,
Singer & Sohn will also deliver
the first automation systems with
the specially developed software
“Singer Interface“ in 2020. In this
way, the machine builders intend
to further expand their pioneer-ing
role in the market in terms
of insertion technology and to
support their customers even more
intensively in the service area.
Foto: Singer & Sohn
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