lem. Vor allem die ungeklärten Auswirkungen der erweiterten
Herstellerverantwortung, beispielsweise beim Thema Littering,
sowie eine weitgehende Verordnungsermächtigung zum Thema
Produktverbote sind dem Verband ein Dorn im Auge. „Verabschie-den
wir uns in Deutschland von der weitgehenden 1:1-Übernah-me
europäischer Regelungen, droht ein juristischer Flickenteppich
für das Inverkehrbringen von Produkten in Europa“, warnt IPV-Geschäftsführer
Karsten Hunger.
Aufgrund der vielfältigen Diskussionen um das Thema Kunst-stoff
steige die Nachfrage nach Papierverpackungen als Ersatz für
Kunststoff stark an. Hier gebe es vielfältige Bewegungen bei der
Entwicklung alternativer Produkte. Gerade der Forschungsbereich,
etwa für Barriereschutzfunktionen bei Papier, habe eine spürbare
Dynamik entwickelt.
times have returned to normal in 2019. At present, however,
business is being hampered by a lack of manpower and the
shortage of skilled workers is having a strong impact.
According to the association, however, there are also quite
different risks. „It cannot be denied that there is a great deal
of planning uncertainty. There is a clear sense of uncertainty
among customers. The product bans on plastic carrier bags
being discussed in the political arena and the still unclear
restrictions of the new disposable plastic directive are not
exactly positive stimulus for the economy. It goes without
saying that our member companies are accepting this chal-lenge
and are working flat out to push forward new technical
developments. But it would be nice if clarity could be achieved
more quickly and fewer obstacles could be put in their way,“
demands IPV board spokesman Klaus Jahn.
Plans for a stricter implementation of the European dispo-
sable plastics directive by the German government are not the
only problem, he said. Above all, the unclarified effects of the
extended producer responsibility, for example in the area of
littering, as well as a far-reaching power of regulation on the
subject of product bans are a thorn in the side of the asso-ciation.
“We already have
too many challenges
for processors with
the regulatory and
abruptly increased
official requirements.“
IPV Managing Director Karsten Hunger
„If we in Germany say goodbye to the extensive 1:1
adoption of European regulations, a legal patchwork quilt for
the marketing of products in Europe is threatening,“ warns
IPV Managing Director Karsten Hunger.
Due to the manifold discussions on the subject of plastics,
the demand for paper packaging as a substitute for plastic is
increasing strongly. There are many movements in the deve-
lopment of alternative products. Especially the research area,
for example for barrier protection functions for paper, has
developed a noticeable dynamic.
25 FEB – 3 MAR 2021