Lust auf fleischlose Gerichte.
Trends für die vegetarische Küche
„Die vegetarische Küche lebt von Vielfalt und Abwechslung“, weiß Marketing Ma-nagerin
Sabine Müller-Weinhold und ergänzt: „Was zählt, ist allein der Geschmack,
denn wer auf Fleisch verzichten will, muss mit unserem Sortiment an Fleischal-ternativen
den gewohnten Geschmack und die passende Textur nicht missen.“
Daher führt die familiengeführte Moguntia Food Group komplette vegetarische Fer-tiggerichte
wie Chili sin carne und conveniente Halbfertiggerichte wie vegetarische
Pastasaucen. Aber auch zahlreiche Compounds zur Herstellung von vegetarischen
Bratlingen und fleischlosem Aufschnitt sowie passende Würzmischungen sind auf
die individuellen Bedürfnisse von Vegetariern und Flexitariern zugeschnitten. „Zu
einem echten Topseller für die fleischlose Ernährung hat sich unser Corn-Dog-Mix
entwickelt. Mit diesem Präparat lässt sich eine fleischlose Variante des Foodtruck-
Trendprodukts erstellen und je nach Geschmack mit den vielfältigen Gewürzen aus
unserem Hause kombinieren“, schwärmt Sabine Müller-Weinhold.
Abwechslung in der veganen Ernährung
Damit es auch in der veganen Küche bunt und abwechslungsreich zugeht, führt
die Moguntia Food Group zahlreiche Produkte für vegane Gerichte – ohne dabei
Kompromisse bei Geschmack und Qualität einzugehen. Dies sind etwa Compounds
zur Herstellung veganer Bratlinge, veganer Hackfleichgerichte und veganer Leber-wurst.
Die international tätige Unternehmensgruppe folgt auch bei veganer Kost
dem Convenience-Trend: „Unsere veganen Instant-Mischungen Couscous sind
fertig abgeschmeckt und leicht in der Handhabung“, verrät Food-Service-Experte
Bernhard Habicht „Aber auch unsere Fix-Produkte für veganes Gratin und eine
vegane Bechamel-Sauce sind echte Bereicherungen für eine vegane Ernährung.“
Vielfalt und
Nikolaus-Kopernikus-Straße 1 • 55129 Mainz • Tel: +49 6131 58360
Malberger Str. 19 • 49124 Georgsmarienhütte • Tel: +49 5401 3370
tory of this promising market and to grow our
businesses together,“ added Jean-Marc Gilson,
CEO of Roquette.
Moving Mountains, a major competitor to Be-yond
Meat from the UK, is also constantly deve-
loping new alternative products. Following
the recent launch of a plant-based bratwurst,
a no-pork burger is now also available on the
market. In addition to a vegetable counterpart
to a beef burger, this is, as the name suggests,
the alternative to a pork burger.
The structure of the burger reflects the taste
and consistency of pork. It is completely plant-based
and contains natural ingredients such
as oyster mushrooms and beetroot, but no
cholesterol. The patty is also free of hormones
and antibiotics and contains many vegetable
proteins. The burger is available in 113.5 grams
weight and a smaller 56 gram version, also
called “Sausage Patty“. Moving Mountains
supplies meat substitutes to the catering and
retail sectors alike.
Proteins with a promising future
“Due to the gene issue and the allergenic
potential, the demand for soya in Europe
is clearly decreasing“, explains Florian Bark,
Product Manager at Hydrosol. “Instead, protein
sources such as peas, potatoes or field beans
are increasingly coming to the fore. New varie-ties
such as chickpeas, sunflowers or algae are
also being added. We use these proteins in our
plant-based alternatives to meat and sausage,
among other things.“ The allergen- and soy-free
stabilising and texturising systems based on
potato and pea protein enable a wide range
of different end products - from cold cuts to
salami and bacon.
In the area of plant-based convenience pro-ducts,
Hydrosol offers, for example, the Hydro-
Top Vegan Patty PP compound, a system based
on field bean and pea protein. This is free of
soya, wheat and other allergens. Together with
the plant-based protein texture, vegan burger
patties with only one E-number are produced,
which are very similar to the animal product in
terms of taste, texture and mouth feel.
Innovative hardware
On the hardware side, too, the trend towards
meat replacement products is encouraging
machine manufacturers to make corresponding
developments. ConPro technology from Handt-mann,
for example, is an innovative production
process for manufacturing meatless sausage
products with edible, vegan sausage casings
made of alginate. The conventional ConPro
system is used to produce sliced sausages. The
coextruded sausage strand is cut into individual
portions after the alginate cross-linking in a
fixing bath by means of a separating device.
The product ends can either be cut straight or
can be additionally formed during the cutting
process to produce rounded sausage ends. In
both cases, the ends of the manufactured sau-sages
are open, i.e. not completely enclosed by
the alginate casing. Depending on the visco-
sity of the filling, the sausages can be further
processed either lying or hanging.
The ConProLink system patented by Handtmann
is used to produce twisted sausages. The coex-truded
sausage strand is twisted into individual
portions during alginate cross-linking. The
sausage chain thus produced can then be cut
at defined twisting points. In this way, a wide
range of product variants can be produced,
from individual sausages to continuous sausage
chains - in continuous production with a high
level of automation potential.
Dumplings and burgers
The UFM 300 moulding machine from Rex pro-duces
convenience food from both fresh meat
and meat substitutes. Dumpling products are
formed on the single-row UFM 300-1 dumpling
former or the multi-row UFM 300-2/3/4 versions
with a filling flow divider. The forming cutter
Fotos: Handtmann, Düker Rex, Coperion