Foto: Colourbox.de
Fleisch- und Lebensmittelhersteller müssen bei der Doisierung von
Zusatzstoffen besonders akkurat agieren. / Meat and food manufacturers
need to be particularly accurate when it comes to the doping of additives.
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Made in
die Gesetzgebung, aber vor
allem durch technologische
Anforderungen und auch den
wirtschaftlichen Druck des Le-bensmitteleinzelhandels
korrekten Einsatz von Zusatz-stoffen
gezwungen. Deren Ein-satzzweck,
Dosierung und Wir-kung
sowie mögliche negative
Folgen ihrer Verwendung sind
bekannt und bewiesen.
Zusatzstoffe werden von man-chem
Konsumenten nicht
wahrgenommen, von anderen,
je nachdem, verteufelt oder ge-lobt.
Die öffentliche, oft nicht
objektive Kritik an Zusätzen
verunsichert auch viele Ver-braucher.
Beginnen wir damit:
Die Argumente der Kritiker
sind meist leicht zu widerlegen,
denn aus der richtigen Verwen-dung
von Zusatzstoffen kann
keinerlei Schaden, insbesonde-re
kein gesundheitlicher, ent-stehen.
Dieser ist nur bei un-sachgemäßem
Einsatz möglich.
für Zusatzstoffe
In der Verordnung (EG) Nr.
1333/2008 ist für die Europäi-sche
Union festgelegt, welche
Zusatzstoffe in welchen Men-gen
und Produkten zugelassen
sind. Über deren Verwendung
ist zu informieren, bei verpack-
There is no doubt about
it, of course, that there is
also a regulation on food
additives. The corresponding
EU regulation has become
applicable law in Germany
through the Ordinance on the
Authorisation of Additives (last
amended in 2017) and lists the
authorised additives in seven
annexes. These can be used as
colorants, antioxidants, sweet-eners,
in drinking water, for
preservation, in baby food and
for technological purposes, for
example as emulsifiers, stabi-lizers,
thickeners and gelling
agents, flavour enhancers or
for foam prevention. At the
same time, the Regulation lists
foodstuffs for which only cer-tain
additives are authorised.
Here we find, for example, the
specifications for sausages.
All these additives are clearly
identified by an E number, of
which there are over 300.
Labelling obligation
for additives
Manufacturers of meat prod-ucts
or foodstuffs in general
are forced by legislation, but
above all by technological
requirements and the econom-ic
pressure of the food retail
trade to use additives correct-ly.
Their purpose, dosage and
effect as well as possible nega-tive
consequences of their use
are known and proven.
Additives are not perceived
by some consumers, but by
others, depending on the case,
they are demonised or praised.
The public, often unobjective
criticism of additives also un-settles
many consumers. Let us
start with that: The arguments
of the critics are usually easy
to refute, because the correct
use of additives cannot cause
any harm, especially no harm
to health. This is only possible
with improper use.
Regulation (EC) No. 1333/2008
specifies for the European
Union which additives are per-mitted
in which quantities and
in which products. Information
on their use must be provided,
in the case of packaged food-stuffs,
by the class name (indi-cating
the intended use) and
the sales description or E-num-ber
of the food additive con-cerned,
in the case of unpack-aged
foodstuffs, i.e. foodstuffs
offered loose, by a discussion
at the counter. Here, too, class
names on information boards
next to the goods must in-dicate
the intended use, for
example as an aroma or pre-servative.
In principle, it can
be assumed that companies
that use additives in the man-ufacture
of their food products
also correctly label them on the
Several functions possible
Various plant extracts are rich
in technological functions that
they can perform in food. The
European Commission‘s opin-ion
on plants, animals, food
and feed (use of plant extracts
to ensure technological func-tions
in food) applies to the use
and labelling of these plant
extracts. For example, part of
the extract acts as a preser-
vative, antioxidant or stabiliser
and must therefore be consi-
dered as a deliberate use of the
corresponding food additive.
Consequently, the use of plant
extracts has to comply with the
conditions of the food additive
legislation (including the rele-vant
specifications) and has to
be labelled according to the
relevant labelling provisions
for food additives.
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