Bereit für eTray
Nachhaltigkeit in der Fleischwirtschaft: Interview mit Stefan
Dangel von Sealpac über innovative Verpackungskonzepte.
Prepared for eTray
Sustainability in the meat
industry: Interview with Stefan
Dangel from Sealpac about
innovative packaging concepts.
Saving resources is a topic that is of
great concern to the food industry.
FT Meat Technology spoke with
Stefan Dangel, Sales and Marketing
Manager of Sealpac, about new packag-ing
concepts that ensure higher levels of
sustainability and recycling for fresh food.
How does Sealpac address the issue of
Sealpac, working in close collaboration
with leading packaging material manu-
facturers, recognised as early as 2003
that by modifying established packaging
solutions greater value could be created.
At the time, we introduced the ribbed
structure of trays for MAP packaging. On
the one hand this ensured a better flow
of protective gas inside the modified at-mosphere
packaging, and on the other
hand it delivered an increase in stability.
Additionally, it allowed us to tackle the
Fotos: Sealpac
„Kunststoff reduzieren“:
Stefan Dangel von Sealpac. /
”Reducing plastic“: Stefan
Dangel from Sealpac.
18 6/2019