Meat is not only food for people, but
also food for the pets of many people
- for dogs and cats. There are many
possibilities for feeding the animals. Each has
its advantages and disadvantages and we
therefore find different philosophies of feeding.
They also differ in cost. The classic way of giving
the dog food that is not used in the domestic
kitchen is today supplemented or even replaced
by special food that is geared to the animal‘s
nutritional needs.
What‘s the best thing?
The owner or breeder of an animal is anxious
to give the best to his friend. Therefore, the
solution often consists in a special cooking or
preparation of the food. However, it happens
that in good faith, due to a lack of knowledge,
unbalanced, sometimes even harmful food is
put together. From this dilemma, in which the
owner of the animal is located, the thought
arose to feed the animals again originally.
Australian vet Ian Billinghurst and Canadian
Debbie Tripp were the first to commit them-selves
to this idea and created the acronym
BARF. In the meantime, the basic idea of BARF
nutrition has found a large following, which
offers various explanations of this abbreviation.
Besides the probably original „Born-Again Raw
Feeders“ you will also find „Bones And Raw
Foods“, „Biologically Appropriate Raw Foods“
and „Biologically Appropriate Raw Foods“ or
„Biologically Appropriate Raw Foods“.
At BARF the food is prepared by the dog owner
himself. It consists of fresh ingredients, is not
cooked and fed raw. The ingredients include
meat, bones, offal, vegetables and fruit. The
model is the diet of the ancestor of the dog,
the wolf. However, its digestive tract does not
fully correspond to that of the dog.
The first euphoria about BARF has now van-ished.
This is also due to the fact that it is very
difficult to get the natural food that a wolf finds
in the wild. Added to this are hygienic problems.
Especially puppies can suffer health damage
from contaminated components of the food.
Therefore, canned food is often used for dogs.
These are popular because they are quick-ly
available as food and their composition
Continue reading on page 38
Fleisch, Konserven und Granulat für Hunde und Katzen:
Es gibt die unterschiedlichsten Philosophien.
Meat, canned food and granulates
for dogs and cats: There are
many different philosophies.
Fleisch ist nicht nur Lebensmittel für Men-schen,
sondern auch Futtermittel für die
Lieblinge vieler Menschen – für Hunde und
Katzen. Für das Füttern der Tiere gibt es viele
Möglichkeiten. Jede hat ihre Vor- und Nach-
teile und wir finden daher verschiedene Philoso-
phien der Fütterung. Sie unterscheiden sich
auch in den Kosten. Die klassische Art, dem
Hund die in der häuslichen Küche nicht ver-werteten
Lebensmittel zu geben, wird heute
ergänzt oder gar ersetzt durch spezielle, auf die
Ernährungsbedürfnisse des Tieres ausgerichtete
Nahrung.Der Halter oder Züchter eines Tieres ist
bemüht, seinem Freund das Beste zu geben.
Was ist das Beste?
Vielfach besteht die Lösung in einem besonde-ren
Kochen bzw. Zubereiten der Speisen. Aller-dings
passiert es, dass in gutem Glauben durch
mangelndes Wissen unausgewogenes, manch-mal
sogar schädliches Futter zusammengestellt
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Foto: Colourbox.de