whole peeled etc.). In doing so, this staple food
is converted to a product that can be consumed
in different ways, without losing its natural
quality or nutritional value.
In the words of Pedro García, Sales Engineer
at Luciano Aguilar S.A., distributor of Tomra
on the Spanish vegetable market: “We provided
Paturpat with several options, took them to
see other factories that are similar to theirs and
we performed demonstrations of the machine.
Thus, they decided to go for the Orbit. They
opted for the 250 litres version, appropriate to
their production.”
Efficient technology
The complete range of Orbit peelers includes
an ultra-fast vessel decompression system. This
system is one of the key features for achieving
superior peeling performance. With less steam,
Orbit peelers guarantee maximum quality of
the peeled product. It has been shown that the
Orbit range achieves good peeling results star-
ting at 9-10 bars of steam pressure, where
other machines do not get similar results
below 12 bars. Other key features of the Orbit
technology are its geometry and peeling vessel
rotational speed, specifically designed to avoid
steam condensate
on the inside. This
prevents cooking of
the product.
“The possibility to
work at less than
12 bars was a decisive
advantage to choose
Tomra over other
peelers,” eplains Iratxe
Arce, Production
Manager at Patur-pat.
“The Orbit 250 l
peeler allows to adjust
times and steam so
that the peeling is
done without the
cooking effect, which
is limited to the next
step. This advantage
is very important to us
because, after having
completed several R&D studies, we did not want
to start the cooking process of the potatoes in
the peeling zone. And of the various options
that we explored, it was Tomra that offered us
this advantage.”
Minimized cooking effect
The production manager enumer-ates
a bunch of further advantages:
“The Orbit peeler minimises the
cooking effect on the potato dur-ing
the peeling process, which is
limited to the outer 2-3 mm of the
potato surface crown. In contrast,
other solutions in the market
cause a cooking of 10 mm or
more of the potato surface. This
surface cooking is an undesired
effect, because even when the
potato is blanched in later stages
of the process, the final product will be more
irregular and heterogeneous in texture between
layers, lowering its quality. All this is possible
because we achieve the best peeling quality
with the lowest steam pressure and the shortest
cycle and without generating condensates in
the peeling vessel.”
The Orbit machines contain a complete sensor
system that provides information to the control
system. This system regulates and optimises the
functioning of the machine based on two basic
parameters: the desired line capacity and the
time the product stays in the vessel. And that
is the main goal of the Orbit series: increasing
efficiency. In other words, achieving maximum
quality and yield with the lowest operational
cost possible.
Wide range, low costs
Tomra offers customers vessels of different ca-pacities
that can be tailored to different produc-tion
needs. If the vessel is larger than necessary,
everything that is not product is steam, which
requires more pressure to eject.
“By choosing the appropriate vessel, helps us to
minimise steam consumption according to the
capacity for which the line is designed, which
maximises the yield and consequently also the
line efficiency,” explains Pedro García. Other
characteristics that should be highlighted are its
durability and easy maintenance. In addition, it
is designed so that the product it is not dam-aged
in any way that would adversely affect its
quality, handling the food product with care
during the peeling process. All these advantag-es
have made the Orbit the perfect answer to
Paturpat’s requirements. “Tomra offers accurate
solutions to the customer’s needs. The high
level of knowledge of the company’s experts
allows them to find the optimal solution, both
because of their staff’s experience and because
of the wide range of options and configurations
they offer,” says Pedro García.
www.tomra.com, www.paturpat.com
Co. vorhanden ist, sorgt Tomra an 365 Tagen
im Jahr für weltweiten Service und Support.
Die Experten von Tomra Care leisten telefonisch
oder per Fernzugriff Soforthilfe bei Produk-tionsstillständen
oder -unterbrechungen und
können in vielen Fällen sofort Abhilfe schaffen,
ohne die Tomra-Serviceteams vor Ort herbei-rufen
zu müssen.
Anwender können mit einem gestaffelten An-gebot
auch die Service- und Supportdienstleis-tungen
genau auf ihre Bedürfnisse abstimmen.
Tomra Care Basic beinhaltet u. a. Wartung,
Software Updates und Remote Control. Tomra
Care Plus wird darüber hinaus z. B. durch er-weiterte
Schulungen und einen 24/7-Remote-
Support ergänzt. Das Tomra Care Premium-
Paket ist eine Rundum-Sorglos-Lösung mit
Extras wie erweiterter Garantie, individuellen
Ersatzteillösungen und Software-Upgrades.
www.tomra.com, www.paturpat.com
Continued from page 32
Besuchen Sie uns auf der Süffa vom 20. - 22.10.2018, Halle 9 • Stand 9D55
Fotos: Colourbox.de, Tomra Sorting NV