Vor allem für die Entscheider aus der Lebensmittelbranche
lohnt sich der Weg zur FachPack 2018 in Nürnberg.
Verpackungen sind für die Haltbarkeit von Lebensmitteln unverzichtbar. Sie
schützen die Ware vor schädlichen Einflüssen und verhindern das Wachs-tum
gesundheitsschädlicher Keime. Ein gelungenes Zusammenspiel aus Ver-packungsmaterial,
Haltbarmachung und Dichtigkeit ist für Lebensmittelhersteller
wie eine Lebensversicherung. Die wichtigsten Anbieter dieser Branche werden ihre
The path to FachPack 2018 in Nuremberg
is particularly worthwhile for decision-
makers from the food industry.
Packaging is indispensable for the shelf life
of food. It protects the goods from harmful
influences and prevents the growth of
harmful germs. A successful combination of
packaging material, preservation and tight-ness
is like life insurance for food manu-facturers.
The most important suppliers
in this sector will present their products
and innovations at FachPack 2018 from
September 25 to 27 in Nuremberg.
Dodgy image
Today modern food packaging guaran-tees
maximum protection for consumers.
And yet they have a shady image. According
to a recent survey, the majority of German
citizens does not have the confidence to objec-
tively assess packaging and complains about informa-tion
deficits. The three most important results, the tns-In-fratest
on behalf of the German Packaging Institute (dvi):
• 92.2% of German citizens are interested in the subject
of packaging.
• Almost 60% feel not or not sufficiently informed.
• More than two thirds (67.8%) believe that retailers,
product and packaging manufacturers have an
obligation to provide information.
More transparency
Thomas Reiner, Chairman of the Board of the German
Packaging Institute in Berlin, sees a great need for action
in the survey results: „The citizen has a right to reliable
information in order to be able to make the right decisions
when using packaging. Consumers need more transparen-cy
and better information for this. As German Packaging
Institute, we expressly welcome and support the fact that
product manufacturers, packaging manufacturers and
retailers in particular are obliged to do so.“
FachPack will clearly show that the packaging industry has
recognised and accepted the challenges. Food packaging
should prevent products from drying out and preventing
the formation of germs. But light, oxygen, water vapour,
pollution and foreign odor are also harmful to food.
Thinner and thinner
In this context, the barrier effect of the packaging material
is important. Companies and research institutes are cur-rently
working on how to reduce the thickness of these
composite films. For example, a research project of the
Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging
IVV aims to reduce the packaging requirement by using
thinner films without reducing the protective function.
Laminated films are provided with barrier films that not
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Fotos: NürnbergMesse, dvi