Fotos: Seamore
Die Tortilla-Wraps (Bild li.) sind das jüngste Seamore-Produkt. Möglichst viele alltagtaugliche Algenprodukte sollen folgen und die Märkte erobern.
The tortilla wraps (pic l.) are the latest Seamore product. As many algae products as possible for everyday use are to follow and conquer the markets.
and growing like a technology
company, e.g. with the possibili-ty
of investing via crowdfunding.
A successful model: By the begin-ning
of August 2018, the Seamore
founder from the Netherlands
had already collected more than
260,000 €.
Soon four planets
The potential of seaweed is enor-mous:
if seaweed were grown in
an area twice the size of Portugal
(0.05% of the earth‘s oceans),
there would be enough protein
for the world‘s population. That‘s
why Seamore sees seaweed as
a new food category in its own
right that must be recognised by
consumers, businesses and sales
alike - the sooner the better.
„If we want to repair the defective
food system, it is time to radical-ly
rethink. 71% of our planet is
covered by the oceans, but we get
only 2.5% of our food from the
sea, although it provides the best
and healthiest food ever. For health
and ecological reasons we have to
change from animal to plant pro-tein.
If we do not achieve the shift
from land to sea and from animals
to plants, we will need four planets
in 2050 to feed the world. The
logical conclusion: „Plants from the
sea or seaweed,“ explains Willem
Pasta, bacon, wraps
Seamore was founded in 2015 on
the basis of a single product idea:
a seaweed that looked exactly like
a green tagliatelle. The product
was launched as „I sea pasta“.
After the successful substitution
of carbohydrates by vegetables,
the company found another magic
algae that turns into crispy bacon
by frying. „I sea bacon“ offers the
world‘s favourite taste without the
saturated fatty acids, the ecological
nightmare or the cruel killing of
pigs. Seamore is now launching
tortilla wraps and bread made from
50% seaweed. Rice waffles, hum-mus
and other everyday products
are being tested.
To grow, Seamore also needs
financing in the style of technol-ogy
companies. In addition to
discussions with venture capitalists,
Seamore also relies on crowdfund-ing.
The prophecies are more than
tempting: experts predict that the
seaweed market will explode to
$18 billion within three years.
Algae technology
To make the I sea wraps, Seamore
ventured into unknown territory.
Very little is known about how
seaweed behaves in different pro-cesses,
how it reacts and combines
with other ingredients. In order to
effectively replace wheat with sea
vegetables, Seamore had to pro-duce
a completely different type
of dough. It took the company six
months to create the successful
recipe, which contains 50% algae.
Now the company wants to use
the properties of seaweed to invent
low-fat, low gluten, high-protein
and even meat-like products.
Seamore at a glance
• Founded in 2015 by Willem
Sodderland after a eureka expe-rience,
when he ordered a sea-weed
salad in a restaurant and
believed he was served pasta.
• Ten employees in Amsterdam,
Netherlands. 50% of the staff
is a small army of interns from
all over the world, which makes
them ambassadors in their home
• Sales in the Netherlands,
Germany, Denmark, Great
Britain, France, Italy, Singapore
and online.
• Put 750,000 portions of algae on
people‘s plates in two years.
67% of their customers had
never eaten algae before.
• Aims at speed and agility as in
a tech company, e.g. by testing
the products with the users.
• The first products are “I sea
pasta”, “I sea bacon” and “I sea
wraps”, all organic.
Continued from page 8
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