imum shelf life of twelve months.
This process step makes high
technical demands, because an ice
container with a capacity of 5 litres
contains around 3.8 kilograms
of ice mass. This must be frozen
through as quickly as possible so
that no disturbing ice crystals form
and the mass retains its original
homogeneity. “Our goal was and is
that the ice should taste as original
as possible after defrosting,” con-firms
Yilmaz Dag.
The good triangle
The decision for a cryogenic freezer
was therefore made quickly. This
uses cryogenic liquefied, up to
-196°C cold nitrogen (N2) as
refrigerant. The high cooling effect
enables high throughputs and
guarantees perfect product quality
and consistency.
The Dag Linde family got them-selves
on board as a nitrogen
supplier. The specialist for food
gases also took care of a practical
application technology solution:
A suitable used freezer from the
production of Linde partner Buse
Gastek from Bad Hönningen
was adapted specifically for the
Gelamor production subsidiary
Gelato and optimised so that the
21.5 cm high ice containers can
pass through the tunnel without
problems. “Buse as freezer builder,
Gelato as customer and we from
Linde as gas experts have formed a
good triangle,” is how Key Account
and also external customers, such
as bakeries, increasingly came to
the taste. The increased demand
was on the one hand a nice con-firmation,
but on the other hand
soon led the small production to
its limits. At this point at the latest,
the Dag family not only showed
their sense for good ice cream, but
also for courageous, future-ori-ented
and strategic corporate
decisions: in 2006 they brought
together the ice cream machines
previously distributed among the
individual cafés in a central produc-tion
facility. This was followed in
2009 by a new building at today’s
company headquarters, which has
since been expanded three times
and currently offers space for
1,800 pallets in the deep-freeze
Shy of risk at first
Despite this rapid growth, the
Dags were still working with their
initial technical equipment when
they moved into the new company
building, sometimes around
the clock. “That was above all a
question of quality,” says Yilmaz
Dag. “We simply avoided the risk
that our ice cream tastes different
with other systems - our customers
would not have forgiven us and
neither would we.”
The solution came to Geseke in
2010 in the person of a competent
English machine dealer. He took
the Dags’ quality requirements
seriously and supported them in
converting to a continuous produc-tion
process with larger machines.
The characteristic advantages of
the small ice machines continued
to form the guideline. For example,
the flavours of the ice mass can
develop in special ripening tanks.
And the ingredients and raw
materials - including their suppliers
- remained the same as before, as
Yilmaz Dag confirms: “The only
difference is that we now order by
the pallet.
However, there is a decisive differ-ence
to traditional ice production
even at Gelamor: For reasons of
quality assurance during transport
and storage, the ice coming out of
the machines at -5 to -6°C must
be frozen to a core temperature
of -18°C. The ice is then frozen
to a temperature of -18°C at the
machine. It then guarantees a min-
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