ducts with our family name and underlines their
Swiss origin. All in all, it explains our Bigler pro-mise:
to produce butcher-quality meat products
from the Swiss region.”
Markus Bigler, Chief Financial Officer at Bigler,
adds: „Looking at our overall image after the
relaunch, we have deliberately chosen silent
branding and an innovative paper like look and
feel. In this way, we want to distinguish oursel-ves
from the often bright and shiny appearance
of other players on the market.”
Special printing
The new packaging design is characterised by
the new Paper-Like™ film that closely resembles
real paper and gets its paper feel from a special
printing technology. Gérard Bigler: „That is
what makes long-term partnerships with
suppliers like Bemis and Sealpac worthwhile.
This new type of film that resembles real
paper was presented to us by Bemis, and then
further developed with Sealpac until everything
For many Europeans, Switzerland
has a slightly different culture when
it comes to the presentation of food
products at retail. The presentation
of meat products in skin packaging
in a standing or hanging position is
more attractive to Swiss consumers.
Since 2011, Bigler has been using
Sealpac’s TraySkin® and ThermoS-kin
® systems with Bemis SkinTite™
Gérard Bigler: Außerdem verlängert sich die
Haltbarkeit auf zwölf Tage – ein entscheidendes
Argument für den Handel.
Markus Bigler: Ob Nachhaltigkeit oder andere
Branchentrends: Ganz wichtig ist es, sowohl für
uns Lebensmittelproduzenten als auch für die
Anbieter von Verpackungsmaterial und Maschi-nen,
die Signale der Endkonsumenten wahrzu-nehmen
und in die Entwicklungen einfließen zu
„Für uns eignen sich Skin-
Verpackungen am besten, in
denen sich Frischfleisch oder
marinierte Fleischprodukte
hängend präsentieren lassen,
ohne zu verrutschen.“
Gérard Bigler, Leiter Charcuterie, Bigler
Continued from page 15
film to create so-called TriWeb packs. The
product is skin packaged directly inside the tray,
after which a second top film is applied. The
resulting flat surface allows for smooth labelling
and the skin packs can easily be stacked. The
additional chamber allows to add extras, such
as garlic butter, spices or recipes.
Appealing appearance
Gérard Bigler: „The fact that meat products in
skin packaging are characterised by a darker
red has been well received by Swiss consumers.
It is important that the product as a whole
convinces with an appealing appearance. Skin
packaging will also revolutionise
„Die Nachfrage
nach Skin-
steigt auch in
Deutschland, weil
Fleisch unter
Vakuum besser reift
und sehr zart wird.“
Remo Weder, Geschäftsfüher Sealpac Schweiz
the German and other European markets. Due
to the vacuum, the aging process of fresh meat
is improved. Also, the shelf life can be extended
to 12 days, which is extremely important for
And Markus Bigler concludes: „Whichever trend
it concerns, it is highly important to identify the
signals of consumers and to transfer them into
developments. That is what we do with our
partners Sealpac and Bemis.”
www.bigler.ch, www.sealpac.ch
lassen. Für uns heißt das unter anderem, dass
wir unsere Marktforschung weiter ausbauen
www.bigler.ch, www.sealpac.ch
16 2 / 2017
Fotos: Sealpac