Waschvorgang mit Mischsalat: Vibrationsaustrag und Insektenaustrag der Waschmaschinen
GEWA 3800V Plus in der Salat- und Gemüseverarbeitungslinie von Kronen. /
Washing process with mixed salad: vibration discharge and insect discharge by the washing
machines GEWA 3800V Plus in the salad and vegetable processing line of Kronen.
Spezifikationen der Linie
Die komplett vernetzte Verarbeitungslinie dient
zum Schneiden, Waschen, Trocknen und Wie-gen
von Blattsalaten und verschiedenstem Ge-müse.
Im ersten Schritt werden Salat und ande-res
Gemüse in der Schneidemaschine GS 10-2
geschnitten. Die Produkte werden hierfür von
Hand vorbereitet und dann auf das Eintrage-band
gelegt. Anschließend verarbeitet die Linie
die Produkte in einem kontinuierlichen, auto-matisierten
Prozess – mit einer Kapazität von
400 bis 1.000 kg pro Stunde. Sie besteht aus
folgenden Kronen-Maschinen:
Bandschneidemaschine GS 10-2
Zwei Waschmaschinen GEWA 3800V Plus
mit Vibrationsaustrag
Trocknungssystem K650
Kistenwiegesystem KWS
Je nach Konsistenz, Form und Größe des Pro-dukts
können Verarbeitungszeiten und -ge-schwindigkeiten
der Verarbeitungslinie über ein
Touchscreen reguliert werden. Dies ermöglicht
einen effektiven, schonenden und kurzen Ver-arbeitungszyklus.
Es ist übrigens die erste Linie,
in der das 2018 neu eingeführte Trocknungs-system
K650 zum Einsatz kommt.
Alle Kronen-Maschinen sind aufeinander ab-gestimmt,
um das Durchsatzpotenzial jeder
Maschine voll auszuschöpfen und damit den
Gesamtdurchsatz der Anlage zu maximieren.
Dies verhindert Flaschenhälse oder Produktstaus
im Verarbeitungsprozess. Gleichzeitig werden
dadurch Bedien-, Wartungs- und Instandhal-tungskosten
gesenkt und energiesparend pro-duziert.
Zudem ist eine einfache Reinigung so-in
wie maximale Hygiene gemäß den geltenden
internationalen Standards gewährleistet. Jede
Linie wird von Kronen individuell an die Bedürf-nisse
der Anwender angepasst, entsprechend
sind auch die eingesetzten Maschinen variabel.
Das Kistenwiegesystem kann z. B. flexibel durch
eine Verpackungsmaschine ersetzt oder ergänzt
werden. www.gronsakshallen.se
the production plant in Hägersten, which can
process large quantities of lettuce and vegeta-bles
in a continuous process. The result: higher
productivity, less use of resources and maximum
product quality.
Grönsakshallen was founded in Sorunda in
1985: At that time, managing director Gunnar
Netz went from door to door and knocked on
the doors of the city‘s restaurants to sell his
goods - potatoes and eggs. Today Grönsakshal-len
is one of Sweden‘s largest fruit and vegeta-ble
traders and fresh-cut producers and sells a
wide range of products throughout the country:
fresh fruits, berries, vegetables and salads, as
well as freshly cut products and frozen fruits,
but also flowers, herbs and eggs. Meanwhile
around 300 employees work in the company
on six locations, 35 of them at the Hägersten
site. With about 50 own and further external
refrigerated vehicles, the goods are delivered
fresh every day throughout the country.
465 products to choose
The corporate values are of central importance
for Gönsakshallen. „The quality and freshness
of the products have top priority in order to
optimally meet the demands of the customers
- restaurateurs and canteen kitchens through-out
Sweden. Innovation is another stone in the
foundation of our corporate philosophy,“ says
Purchasing Manager Peter Frohm. Grönsak-shallen
offers a wide range of products. 465
different products are produced every day in
our own factory, an immense number. And the
portfolio is constantly updated and expanded.
Environmentally conscious sustainability and
profitability are also important factors that
the company attaches importance to.
And service also plays a major role: the sales
team is available to customers from 6 a.m. to
1 a.m., which means that they can place their
orders not only during the day but also almost
all night long. About ten years ago, Grönsak-shallen
also set up a web shop with which cus-tomers
can order flexibly online. The orders are
entered directly into the company‘s software,
where they can be played back and implement-ed.
This ensures that every order is processed
as quickly and on time as possible.
Up to 3,000 kg of vegetables per day
Last year Grönsakshallen invested in a new
lettuce and vegetable processing line from
Kronen, thus further expanding its own
production. The producer already uses several
individual machines from the manufacturer,
e.g. the KSM 100 vegetable and salad cutting
machine or the K50 salad spinner. The aim of
the new acquisition is to automate production
and save resources. Central challenge: Personnel
in Sweden is not only cost-intensive, it is above
all extremely difficult to find. The automated
line, in which all machines are networked with
each other, reduces the number of employees
required from seven to five. At the same time,
this increases efficiency and thus productivity.
Grönsakshallen mainly processes various salads
- including iceberg and mixed salads - but also
white cabbage, carrots and other vegetables on
Continued from page 24
Kronen develops and produces individual
and special machines and processing lines for
preparation, cutting, washing, drying, peeling,
packaging and sterilisation of food, even in
large quantities scale. The family-run company
employs over 100 people and is a globally
operating supplier for freshcut, convenience,
catering, delicatessen and food industries with
agencies in over 80 countries. The products are
delivered to more than 100 countries. In the
year 2018 the company celebrates a double
anniversary: 40 years Kronen and 20 years of
Zillgith/Kronen. In 1978 Kronen GmbH was
founded, in 1998, the Kronen industry division
was founded by Rudolf Hans Zillgith as
managing partner. www.kronen.eu
26 1 / 2019 REPORT
Foto: Kronen/Grönsakshallen