organic pioneer MorgenLand, remembers her
first encounter with the exotic fruit: „I thought:
unripe fruit, that can‘t taste at all. Then I tasted
my first Jackfruit curry and thought: No, that
can‘t be Jackfruit, the consistency was so
incredibly meaty.“
Even with crust
In fact, the fruit can only be processed into a
fine-grained substitute for beef, pork or poultry
if it is unripe. In their predominantly Asian
countries of origin, the unripe fruits are pickled
in brine and then processed into meat substi-tutes
for export. Because it is almost tasteless,
the pulp is particularly suitable for marinating.
It is particularly reminiscent of meat when it is
cooked in a marinade and then sautéed, even
forming a crust.
So far, jackfruit has only been found in health
food and organic markets. MorgenLand and
start-up company Jacky F. want to change this
and open up the mass market for tropical meat.
A difficulty: Since jackfruit only grows in tropical
regions and therefore has to travel long dis-tances
to reach western markets, its ecological
footprint is comparable to that of meat.
Lab meat? Cell cultures!
Researchers in Israel are taking a different
approach with the start-up Aleph Farms. „Our
mission is to produce better food for people,“
says Didier Toubia from the start-up Aleph
Farms in Tel Aviv. Animal suffering, resource
consumption, greenhouse gases, etc. - all this
speaks against today‘s industrial meat produc-tion.
The Israelis are therefore researching labo-ratory
Noch sind die Forscher aus
Israel ein Stück weit vom
Braten aus dem Labor ent-fernt.
Die veganen Nuggets
mit fleischähnlicher Textur
von Hydrosol sind dagegen
schon Realität. /
The researchers from Israel
are still a long way from
a roast out of the laboratory.
The vegan nuggets with a
meat-like texture from
Hydrosol, on the other hand,
are already reality.
meat. The aim is to remove certain stem
cells from cattle and place them in a nutrient
solution. There, a piece of meat is to develop
within three to four weeks. This is a pious hope,
because up to now only microscopically small
cell cultures have matured in the incubators.
Nevertheless, the researchers from the Middle
East are confident that the breakthrough will
soon be achieved. They are planning the first
deliveries of laboratory meat to restaurants in
2021. The Israeli start-up company SuperMeat,
in which the German Wiesenhof Group is one
of the shareholders, wants to get ahead of
them. They want to produce meat tissue from
poultry cells and see themselves in the fast
lane. The fact alone that a start-up company
called Memphis Meats was able to convince
billionaires Richard Branson and Bill Gates of
its capabilities shows that intensive work is also
being done on in vitro meat in the USA.
However, it is difficult to assess who is actually
ahead in the race for marketable laboratory
meat in view of almost daily supposed and actu-al
success reports from practically all continents.
According to the German Butchers’ Asso-
ciation (DFV), meat consumption per capita
in Germany in 2017 was 59.7 kg. This means
that the trend remains slightly downward. For
comparison: 62.8 kg were consumed in 2011.
The DFV sees changed consumption habits
and population structures as the main causes.
But the hype about meat replacement pro-ducts
also plays a role.
Beck Gewürze und Additive GmbH
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2018_Beck GA Anz Salami Final.indd 13 09.07.18 11:06
Fotos: Aleph Farms, Hydrosol
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