Fotos: CSB-System
costs. COD recipe optimiza-tion,
for example, calculates
the most cost-effective compo-sition
of products with consist-ently
high quality, taking into
account chemical and techno-stoffkosten
Recipe management
außerdem immer
wichtiger wird: Die Rezeptu-ren
sind in vielen Fällen ein
guter Hebel, um die Kosten zu
senken. Die CSB-Rezepturopti-mierung
etwa kalkuliert unter
Einbeziehung chemischer und
technologischer Restriktionen
die kostengünstigste Zusam-mensetzung
von Produkten
bei gleichbleibend hoher Qua-lität.
Wichtige produktions- und
logical restrictions. Important
production and food-specific
data are taken into account:
■ Cost-minimized use
of raw materials
■ Consideration of production
■ Observance of additives
in the mixture
■ Food law requirements
■ Sensory conditions such
as taste, consistency and
Two different initial situations
can be the basis for optimiza-tion.
In the first case, the op-timization
basis is produc-tion
planning. At this point in
time, the raw materials for the
planned orders have not yet
been ordered, so „plan opti-mization“
is a means of opti-mizing
the procurement of raw
materials and components.
The second case assumes the
less favourable scenario that
the raw materials are already
in stock. Here, the optimiza-tion
is carried out on the basis
of the available components in
the warehouse.
Flexible in production
The results of the optimization
are adopted as components in
the alternative recipes, on the
basis of which material pro-curement
planning and mate-rial
provision procedures are
carried out. The CSB system
offers variable recipes to re-act
to strongly fluctuating raw
material prices. These provide
additional flexibility in the
production process and allow
a direct cost comparison bet-ween
existing processes and
new production alternatives.
By optimizing the use of ma-terials,
material costs can be
reduced and the contribution
margins for each product can
be increased. Depending on
the initial situation, a saving of
over 5 percent of the material
input is possible in an initial
optimization stage. On ave-rage,
further savings settle at
1 to 4 percent.
However, good recipe mana-
gement not only means stand-ardization
and cost reduction,
Die Herausforderung: kostengünstige Zusammensetzung von Produkten bei gleichbleibend hoher Qualität. /
The challenge: cost-effective composition of products while maintaining consistently high quality.
Rezepturmanagement: Früher Herrschaftswissen einzelner Mitarbeiter, heute macht‘s eine spezielle Software. /
Recipe management: In the past, some employees had mastery knowledge, today it is done by special software.
18 3/2020