Grafik: lebensmittelwarnung.de
Gründe für Warnungen 2019
Reasons for warnings 2019
Microbiological contaminants
Exceeding of
limit values
Illegal ingredient
31 %
5 %
27 %
13 %
11 %
13 %
(Nicht nur Lebensmittel, sondern auch Kosmetikprodukte und
Bedarfsgegenstände mit eingeschlossen) /
(Not only food but also cosmetic products and consumer
goods included)
label, the machine builders
from the Black Forest offer
knobs, handles, clamping le-vers,
adjustable feet and screws
made of stainless steel which
are structurally optimised for
minimum contamination and
easy cleaning. The maximum
surface roughness was kept un-der
Ra 0.8 μm. A further feature
of the standard elements is their
„dead space freedom“. This
means that there are no inter-nal
component areas in which
substances can accumulate.
Internet of Toilet
Room scent, soap and hygienic
paper - all of this should not
be missing in the WC. Many a
clever toilet therefore whispers
dispenser data about fill level,
consumption and service re-quirements
into the cloud. This
information is then available on
the Internet of Toilet. Setting up
this service was expensive for
a long time because of compli-cated
network technology. The
Xibu Towel hybrid from Hag-leitner
Hygiene, on the other
hand, is an inexpensive dispen-ser
that dispenses paper towels
in two ways: They come out
touch-free or by hand. A ge-nerator
is getting started and
emits a radio signal. The ope-rating
data is sent directly to
a smartphone - and from there
on to the Internet of Toilet - an
affordable solution for many
Anti-microbial tools
Anti-Microbial tools from
Hillbrush reduce the spread
of harmful bacteria in high
risk areas such as food ma-nufacturing
facilities. They
are infused with Biomaster
Anti-Microbial Technology,
a silver ion based additive,
proven to be up to 99.99%
effective against bacteria,
moulds and fungi. All plastics
in the products, including the
brush filaments, contain a sil-ver
based Biomaster additive.
The silver ions help to prevent
the growth of bacteria and are
infused throughout the brush.
The Anti-Microbial brushes
get to the hard-to-reach are-as,
clean away bacteria and
reduce the risk of any cross-contamination.
The tools
feature the Resin-Set DRS®
(dual retention system) from
Hillbrush, which secures the
filaments into the brush back
with anti-microbial epoxy re-sin
and stainless-steel staples.
Doormat for vehicles
Tyre abrasion from forklift
trucks, production residues,
dirt and moisture require tho-rough
and regular cleaning of
the hall floors. The dirt sticks
to the soles of the employees‘
shoes as well as to the treads
of the vehicles. The ProfilGate
solution: a kind of floor mat
for industrial trucks. Tyres,
rollers and wheels of the in-dustrial
trucks are cleaned
mechanically when they are
driven over. The dirt is coll-ected
in integrated dirt traps,
which are later vacuumed
out. Incidentally, three revolu-tions
are sufficient to remove
up to 80% of the dirt adhering
to tyres, rollers and wheels.
In the long term, the system
results in longer and cheaper
cleaning cycles. chb
an schwer zugängliche Stellen,
entfernen Bakterien und ver-ringern
das Risiko einer Kreuz-kontamination.
Die Werkzeuge
sind mit dem Resin-Set DRS®,
einem dualen Rückhaltesystem
von Hillbrush, ausgestattet.
Dabei werden die Filamente
mit antimikrobiellem Epoxid-harz
und Edelstahlklammern
im Bürstenrücken befestigt.
Fußmatte für Fahrzeuge
Reifenabrieb von Flurförder-zeugen,
Schmutz sowie Nässe er-fordern
eine gründliche und
regelmäßige Reinigung der
Hallenböden. Dabei bleibt der
Schmutz genauso an Schuh-sohlen
der Mitarbeiter haften
wie an den Laufflächen der
Fahrzeuge. Die Lösung der
Heute Maschinenfabrik in
Solingen: ProfilGate, eine Art
Fußmatte für Flurförderzeuge.
Beim Überfahren werden
Reifen, Rollen und Räder der
Fahrzeuge mechanisch ge-reinigt.
Der Schmutz wird in
Schmutzfangwannen gesam-melt,
die später ausgesaugt
werden. chb
Seitz + Kerler GmbH & Co. KG
Friedenstraße 5-8
97816 Lohr am Main
Tel.: +49 9352 8787-30
Fax: +49 9352 8787-11
1/2020 23