Organizing documents
The software winweb-food helps
with the complicated organization
of the flood of documents. The
first experiences at Timm Fleisch-
& Wurstmanufaktur are positive.
Delivery bills, invoices, article passes,
analysis values, condition agreements
- the flood of documents in everyday
business is very extensive. Winweb Infor-mationstechnologie
from Aldenhoven near
Aachen helps with an extension of its indus-try-
specific ERP software: In the integrated
document management system (DMS), all
documents can be organized quickly, easily
and clearly - thus ensuring document-secure
storage in accordance with the legal require-ments
for digital storage.
First, certain types of documents with defi-ned
attributes are stored in winweb-food as
basic data and used in subsequent programs
for evaluation or further processing, among
other things. “In this way, for example, docu-ments
marked as article passports can be
specifically evaluated, made obligatory for
suppliers or provided with validity dates,“
explains Martin Schummers, Head of Quality
Management at Winweb. Furthermore, there
is the possibility to add own document types
or to mark mandatory documents.
Bundled data
Electronically received documents are read
from the e-mail inbox, imported and attached
to the associated documents. For exam-ple,
e-mail invoices from suppliers are read
from the mail program via electronic invoice
receipt and, depending on the settings,
assigned directly. At Timm Fleisch- und
Wurstmanufaktur in Oberhausen, Managing
Director Christian Timm has already intro-duced
this part: “We were one of the first to
test the new system and it works: it does what
it‘s supposed to do and is easy to use.“
The company in the Ruhr region, founded in
1956 as a classic butcher‘s store, has deve-loped
over the decades into a business that,
despite all the modernization and automation
in production, builds on traditional artisanal
recipes. After moving into modern halls in
2012, production processes and development
as well as new products in the convenience
sector were on the agenda at Timm.
Tradition meets digitization
The product range continued to develop and
constantly adapt to the demands of the mar-ket.
In recent years, for example, the demand
for portioned, calibrated or pre-prepared
products has become ever greater, for meat as
well as for sausage products. In line with the
company motto „Traditional craftsmanship
and expertise combined with modern tech-nology“,
digitalization is also anything but
a foreign word at Timm.
Back to the software solution: Scanned docu-ments
are also quickly assigned to the correct
documents via barcode recognition. Anyone
who wants to sign and digitize delivery bills
created from winweb-food can print a barcode
on them. This is recognized during scanning
and assigned to the appropriate documents in
the DMS with a click. “For this, each delivery
bill does not have to be scanned individually,
winweb-food also recognizes the documents