Foto: Huber SE
Wohin mit dem Abwasser?
Mit 500 Mitarbeitern und 200 Ver-tragsmästern
erwirtschaftet die
Süddeutsche Truthahn AG einen
Jahresumsatz von mehr als 170 Millionen
Euro. Der 2002 im oberbayerischen Am-pfing
errichtete Schlachtbetrieb produziert
täglich etwa 800 Kubikmeter Abwasser.
Dieses wurde bis zur Erneuerung der Auf-bereitungsanlage
im Produktionsgebäude
zusammengeführt, im Abwassergebäude
Where to go with the
A Bavarian solution: The
wastewater experts from
Huber SE in Berching provided
quasi-neighborly help in
renewing the wastewater
treatment at the poultry
slaughterhouse of
Süddeutsche Truthahn
AG in Ampfing.
With 500 employees and 200 con-tract
fatteners, the Süddeutsche
Truthahn AG generates annual
sales of more than 170 million euros. The
slaughterhouse, which was built in 2002
in Ampfing, Upper Bavaria, produces
around 800 cubic meters of wastewater
per day. This was pooled in the produc-tion
building until the treatment plant
was renovated, treated in the wastewater
building with a curved screen and a flo-tation
system, and then discharged to the
municipal wastewater treatment plant.
However, due to constant expansions
of the production, the existing machine
technology could partly no longer meet
the required discharge conditions of the
municipality. In addition, a high level
of cleaning and maintenance was re-quired.
Therefore, Süddeutsche Truthahn
decided to renew the complete waste-water
treatment plant in order to be
able to comply with the discharge con-ditions
reliably and permanently. The
Bavarians found the solution virtually in
the neighborhood, at Huber SE from the
Bavarian town Berching.
Screening, trapping, pumping
The experts for water treatment, waste-water
treatment and sludge treatment
first installed a Huber RoMesh® drum
screen and a Huber Rotamat® Ro6 30
long grit trap in the poultry slaughter-house.
The collected wastewater from
production now continues to be fed into
the existing pump shafts at gravity. One
feed pump was installed in each of these
sumps, with one pump used to feed the
screening plant and the other to circulate
and agitate the solids.
The screening plant, with three millime-ter
perforated plate and an inner and ou-ter
spray bar, is mounted on a base frame
to direct the effluent to the downstream
long sand trap. This is equipped with
Bayerische Lösung: Die Abwasserexperten von Huber SE aus
Berching leisteten bei der Erneuerung der Abwasseraufbereitung
auf dem Geflügelschlachthof der Süddeutschen Truthahn AG
in Ampfing quasi Nachbarschaftshilfe.
32 4/2021