as well as the integration of the packaging
performance into the filling and portioning
process. The convenience packaging should be
attractive, but of course also extend shelf life,
be sustainable and recyclable. And to reduce
waste, it should use as little material as possible.
To reconcile all these requirements, Vemag has
launched the Portion2Pack portfolio with intelli-gent
solutions from a single source.
The tray denester FD316 offers flexible separa-tion
and depositing of trays of various formats.
Cans are to be filled, jars or cups? The masses
are pasty, liquid or lumpy? Vemag offers a solu-tion
for all these requirements. Take Ball Control
BC236, for example. The flexible and univer-sally
applicable attachment from Vemag can
be used universally for the production of solid
products or, by extending it to co-extrusion,
filled products. There is (almost) no application
for which the BC236 cannot be used. Meat-balls,
croquettes, cheese balls with fruit filling,
burgers with feta cheese or vegetable balls
with bechamel filling. Products can be made in
ball or drop shapes, cylinders or ellipses, filled
or unfilled, such as dough balls or marzipan
potatoes. The machine is characterized by high
weight accuracy, providing a precisely defined
quantity at all outlets.
Molded products on the rise
GEA offers two primary methods for formed
products: sheet forming for low to medium
production levels, for example with the Multi-
Former machine, and rotary forming for high-speed
production of standard, high-volume
products, such as with the GEA MaxiFormer.
Versatility, capacity, yield, hygiene, sustainability
and, above all, product quality were the most
important factors in the development. The
fact that the MaxiFormer is already in its ninth
generation on the market shows that conveni-ence
products are anything but a new challenge
for GEA.
The golden skewers
Miveg specializes in the industrial production
of grill skewers. Machinery such as the Skewer
Systems 4080 or 7200 offer ample potential for
power and cost savings. Miveg’s hybrid system,
a fusion of conventional engineering and robot-ic
technology, creates variable cycle times. Pro-ductive
hourly output can be set at the touch
of a button, and work steps and processes that
were previously labor-intensive are now handled
by smart, easy-to-operate modules.
A process-controlled vibratory conveyor trans-ports
bulk material such as meat, cheese or fish
in a structured manner to a spit automation
system. It distributes the pieces of meat in the
shortest possible time in the correct position
for inclusion in a cassette. For shaped products
such as minced meat or meat substitutes,
a shuttle conveyor is used.
Lars Kracker, Managing Partner of Miveg,
explains what is particularly important: “Each
skewer must be guided centrally through the
ingredients and components without put-ting
any strain on the wooden skewer.“ The
solution: a patented high-speed skewer system
that guarantees output of over 97 percent even
at full capacity. The number of pieces and the
desired orientation of the barbecue skewers
can be customized. Whether lengthwise or
crosswise: it makes no difference. The skewers
are positioned to an accuracy of
a tenth of a millimeter - pure convenience.
Look into the glass
Voss operates closer to the end customer, i.e.
catering companies and/or canteens. A par-
ticular trend there is food in preserving jars.
The shelf-life method of yesteryears is currently
celebrating its umpteenth renaissance. The jars
offer visibility and freshness in equal measure.
And to ensure that the production of preserved
foods does not degenerate into an orgy of
work, autoclaves from Voss take care of most of
the work steps. While the food is being cooked,
modern, individually adjustable programs con-trol
the cooking and simmering process. For this
purpose, the raw food is portioned into jars,
which then cook in the autoclave during the
canning process.
Whether the products are then fully cooked or
only pre-cooked makes no difference. This is
because the production of the meals must take
place with a time delay from consumption due
to the canning process. This allows continu-ous
and effective production and picking, for
example, when staffing levels are limited, as the
preserved food can be produced days before
consumption. A modern side effect is the
sustainability of the reusable jars. In the Voss
Technical Center, interested parties learn from a
preserving expert how to use suitable cooking
programs, optimize them and, over time, create
them themselves.
Christian Blümel
Bei Voss feiert Einweckgläser gerade ihre x-te Renaissance. Die Auto-
klaven steuern die meisten Arbeitsschritte des Koch- und Garprozesses
mit individuell einstellbaren Programmen. / At Voss, preserving jars
are currently celebrating their umpteenth renaissance. The autoclaves
control most steps of the cooking and simmering process with
individually adjustable programs.
Die Autoklaven von Voss bieten reichlich Volumen für das Einkochen.
Die Arbeit erfolgt zeitversetzt zum Verbrauch – ideal für effektive
Produktionsprozesse bei dünner Personaldecke. / Voss autoclaves
provide ample volume for canning. The work is carried out with a time
delay to consumption - ideal for effective production processes with
thin staffing levels.
32 2 / 2021
Fotos: Voss