Continued from page 21
More than 85 percent of the member companies of the Paper and Film
Packaging Industry Association (IPV) describe the current supply situation
for plastics as poor, with half even describing it as very poor. The cost of
procuring materials has already risen enormously, they say. Granulates and
films in particular have become noticeably more expensive. Price increas-es
of 60 percent for OPP films, for example, are currently not an
outlier, and the prices for HDPE flat films, but also PE-LD, PE-LLD,
and PP have risen noticeably. Even for goods already
ordered and assured, price renegotiations have been nec-essary
causing us worry lines. The unexpected delivery delays
have already necessitated changes to the production
schedule. In the medium term, there is even a threat of
production interruptions,“ IPV Managing Director Karsten
Hunger (pic l.) is warning. Where does this spontaneous
price increase come from? Pre-suppliers speak of force
majeure, triggered by the surprisingly fast recovery of indivi-
dual industries and diverted raw material exports to China.
Jetzt umdenken!
in some cases to secure delivery. „The situation is
Komplett recyclingfähig
Der Vakuumbeutel VAC 95+ von allfo ist kom-plett
recyclingfähig. Er vereint außergewöhnliche
Barriereeigenschaften und moderner Perfor-mance
bei der Warenpräsentation mit Umwelt-verträglichkeit.
Der Beutel besteht zu über 95
Prozent aus Polypropylen (PP) und einer dünnen
Hochbarriere. Daher auch der Name VAC 95+.
Im Gegensatz zum ursprünglichen Verbund
aus Polyethylen (PE) und Polyamid (PA) kann PP
problemlos wertstofflich recycelt werden. Die
PP-Beutel mit dünner Hochbarriere können in
modernen Sortieranlagen identifiziert, aussor-tiert
und danach wieder stofflich verwertet und
zu hochreinen Recyclaten aufgearbeitet werden.
advances in functionality and convenience.
„Advances range from material and energy
savings to the use of modified or new materi-als,
optimized processes and technologies, and
smart designs for recycling,“ says dvi Executive
Director Kim Cheng. Regardless, the institute
recommends further action to implement the
circular economy in packaging and the use
of objective life cycle assessments to evaluate
Hybrid solution from Italy
The „Hybrid“ concept from the Fabbri Group
shows what a sustainable packaging solution
can look like in concrete terms. The three
machines Automac Dual, Industrial and Ultra
package fresh products with all types of neutral
or printed stretch films on PVC, PE, organic or
compostable basis. Despite reduced thickness
and low raw material consumption, the films
offer high performance with low weight.
Great attention is paid to effective disposal of
the packaging at the end of its life. The latest
certified compostable film “Nature Fresh“ for
Mehr als 85 Prozent der Mitgliedsbetriebe des Industrieverbands Papier-
und Folienverpackung (IPV) bezeichnen die aktuelle Versorgungslage mit
Kunststoffen als schlecht, die Hälfte sogar als sehr schlecht. Die Kosten für
die Materialbeschaffung seien bereits enorm gestiegen. Vor allem Granula-te
und Folien haben sich merklich verteuert. Preissteigerungen von 60 Pro-zent
beispielsweise bei OPP-Folien, seien derzeit kein Ausreißer, die
Preise für HDPE-Flachfolien, aber auch PE-LD, PE-LLD, sowie PP
seien ebenfalls merklich gestiegen. Selbst bei bestellter und
zugesicherter Ware seien teilweise Preisnachverhandlungen
nötig gewesen, um die Lieferungen abzusichern. „Die Lage
sorgt bei uns für Sorgenfalten. Die unerwarteten Liefer-verzögerungen
haben bereits Umstellungen des Produkti-onsplans
erforderlich gemacht. Mittelfristig drohen sogar
Produktionsunterbrechungen“, warnt IPV-Geschäftsführer
Karsten Hunger (Bild re.). Woher kommt der spontane
Preisanstieg? Vorlieferanten sprechen von höherer Gewalt,
ausgelöst durch die überraschend schnelle Erholung einzelner
Branchen und umgelenkte Rohstoffexporte nach China.
Head of Henkel Packaging Adhesives. “This is
really a task for the entire value chain - from
raw material suppliers to machine manufac-turers,
converters, brand owners, retailers and
recyclers. We all need to work together with the
common goal of driving sustainability.“
Meanwhile, not a week goes by without a new
idea being unveiled that addresses these civili-zation
issues. But it is not only packaging waste
that is dominating the discussion; a global
distribution war has long since broken out over
the raw materials for packaging.
Better than its reputation
At least the public perception of packaging
seems to be better than its reputation. The re-sults
of a new representative population survey
commissioned by the German Packaging Insti-tute
(dvi) show that the numerous innovations
in the field of sustainable packaging in recent
years have been well received by consumers.
At 44.0 percent, nearly half of those surveyed
attest a clear progress made by packaging
in terms of environmental friendliness, only
15.7 percent see regression. Furthermore,
at 74.6 percent, three out of four respon-
dents confirm that this development has been
achieved without compromises or even with
Foto: IPV