example, can be composted privately without
generating packaging waste. With a single
packaging machine capable of handling
multiple films, retailers and industrial packers
can maintain operations without interruption,
without technical adjustments and without
additional costs.
Cooperation for new cycle
Südpack and Recenso are opening a new
chapter in sustainable packaging with a col-laboration.
With the Carboliq process, the two
companies want to obtain raw materials on an
industrial scale from resources that have not
been mechanically recyclable to date and thus
close further loops in the packaging industry.
At the beginning of February 2021, the first
truck containing oil obtained through chemical
recycling from Südpack resources left Recenso‘s
pilot plant in Ennigerloh, Münsterland. “It is of
particular concern to us to make a pioneering
contribution to a circular economy as well as
to decarbonization and CO2 reduction,“ says
Johannes Remmele, shareholder of Südpack.
Chemical recycling enables new, high-quality
base chemicals to be obtained from multilayer,
mixed or even contaminated film composites in
a resource-saving manner. The plastics obtained
from this process are in turn suitable for the
manufacture of high-performance films for
products with high quality and hygiene require-ments
in the food industry.
Organic absorption cushion
The Pomona Company, based in Zyrardów,
Poland, is ensuring that liquids are captured in
the packaging and do not get into fresh foods
such as fruit, fish and meat with its Padeco®
organic and biodegradable moisture absorption
cushion. To its conventional packaging and
cushions, the company sought a fully organic
and compostable alternative that eliminates
harmful chemicals and plastics from fresh
food packaging. The absorber for this is made
of nonwoven cellulose fabric bonded to the
compostable film. A film blowing process is
used to produce a film that is then applied to
the surface of the absorber. Cologne-based
Bio-Fed, a branch of Akro-Plastic, solved the
problem with a type of film from its M-Vera®
range with OK compost Industrial. Depending
on the requirements profile, these compounds
are biodegradable in various environments or
suitable for permanent use - made completely
or partially from renewable raw materials.
Sustainable machine design
With its new Mini, GKS proves that machine
design can also be sustainable. In its optimized
third generation, the compact vertical form,
fill and seal packaging machine combines the
improvements of the predecessor machines
MP125 and MP150 with the advantages and
modularity of the in-house CP and UP packa-
ging machine series. The Mini comes standard
with a heat sealing system for PP/laminate/
paper material, lateral film adjustment, a 7-inch
full-color touch screen, automatic end-of-film
detection and servo-controlled film transport.
The design of this „frameless“ machine also
takes into account the carbon footprint and
the environment. For example, the side frames
are made entirely of recycled ocean plastic.
Completely recyclable
The VAC 95+ vacuum bag from Allfo is
completely recyclable. It combines exceptional
barrier properties and modern merchandise
display performance with environmental sus-tainability.
The bag consists of over 95 percent
polypropylene (PP) and a
thin high barrier. Hence the
name VAC 95+. Unlike the
original composite of poly-ethylene
(PE) and polyamide
(PA), PP can be recycled
without any problems. The
PP bags with a thin high
barrier can be identified
and sorted out in modern
sorting plants and then be
recycled again to produce
high-purity recyclates.
Südpack und Recenso proklamieren einen neuen Rohstoff-Kreislauf. /
Südpack and Recenso proclaim a new raw material cycle.
Lösung aus Polen: Das Absorptionskissen Padeco ist biologisch abbaubar. /
Solution from Poland: The absorption cushion Padeco is biodegradable.
Die „Hybrid“-Lösung der Fabbri Group
verpackt Frischeprodukte nachhaltig. /
Fabbri Group’s “Hybrid” solution packages
fresh produce sustainably.
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24 2 / 2021
Fotos: Südpack/Recenco, Pormona, Fabbri Group