The SBZ Schlachtbetrieb
Zürich has converted
the documentation
and organisation
of maintenance to
the GS-Service
system from
The law requires
it. Commercial cu-stomers
it. Consumer protectio-
nists demand it. Transpa-
rent, highly professional
and ethically responsible
workflows are the foun-dation
of good practice in
the slaughterhouse. In order
to meet its own strict quality
criteria as well as legal require-ments
and to be able to maintain
an economic process landscape, the
municipal SBZ Schlachtbetrieb Zürich
AG relies on a new software module in
maintenance management. With the
GS-Service operations management sys-tem
from GreenGate AG (Windeck/D,
Seengen/CH), the Swiss slaughterhouse
aims to optimize defined inspection and
maintenance processes as a whole.
A glance at the urban SBZ Schlachtbe-trieb
Zürich AG signals that nothing is left
to chance here, from delivery and stabling
to stunning and slaughter of the animals -
the processes are in no way inferior to the
legendary precision of Swiss movements.
The process image is characterised by
calm, order and continuity, which is
continuously monitored with regard
to animal welfare, hygiene and
occupational safety.
Recognized and banned
Silvio Buffon (40), head of the
technical department at SBZ
Schlachtbetrieb Zürich AG, sees
Schweizer Uhrwerk
short maintenance windows as one of
the main challenges in day-to-day main-tenance
practice. In 2015, GreenGate
AG implemented the GS-Service plant
management system at the SBZ Schlacht-betrieb
Zürich AG in order to optimize
the maintenance of the production and
HVAC systems.
Silvio Buffon looks back: “All employees
were motivated from the outset because
Der SBZ Schlachtbetrieb Zürich stellte die Dokumentation
und die Organisation der Instandhaltung auf das
Betriebsführungssystem GS-Service von GreenGate um.
Der Gesetzgeber verlangt es. Die
gewerblichen Kunden verlangen
es. Verbraucherschützer verlangen
es. Transparente, hochprofessionelle und
ethisch verantwortungsvolle Workflows
sind das Fundament guter fachlicher
Praxis im Schlachtbetrieb. Um sowohl
den eigenen, strengen Qualitätskriteri-en
als auch den gesetzlichen Vorgaben
zu genügen und eine darüber hinaus
wirtschaft-liche Prozesslandschaft vor-halten
zu können, setzt der städtische
Swiss clockwork
Fotos: © nskyr2 – Fotolia.com, Colourbox.de
24 6/2018